4 Houseplants that Absorb Moisture and Freshen Up the Air


4 Houseplants that Absorb Moisture and Freshen Up the Air

1. The spider plant to eliminate moisture

Originally from South Africa, the green lily, also known as Chlorophytum, is a perennial herb with evergreen leaves. It is characterized by its flexible foliage in the form of long ribbons that fall down the sides. This plant is hardy and easy to care for. In fact, it can withstand drought and low light. When grown indoors, Chlorophytum has several benefits. It purifies the ambient air and eliminates carbon monoxide, toluene, as well as formaldehyde and benzene. In addition to removing these pollutants, the spider plant is also good at absorbing a significant amount of moisture from the air. This prevents the appearance of mold.

2. The peace lily, houseplant against mildew

The peace lily or spathiphyllum is a low-maintenance perennial houseplant. This hardy plant tolerates lack of watering and can even grow in dimly lit areas. Peace lily is the perfect plant for people who don’t have a green thumb. It requires light but regular watering. Peace lily absorbs moisture circulating in the air through its foliage, preventing the growth of mold and fungus indoors.

3. Boston fern, green plant to prevent moisture problems

Boston fern or Nephrolepis is a green houseplant with decorative foliage. This hardy plant is valued for its purifying effect.  In fact, it allows the absorption of volatile organic compounds such as xylene and formaldehyde released by paint, glue or furniture. Boston fern is also a tropical plant that absorbs moisture very effectively.  It also likes to be placed in humid places that remind it of its tropical environment, such as the bathroom. By regulating the hygrometry of the house, Boston fern will rid you of mold that develops in humid places.

4. Tillandsia, a flowering plant to reduce humidity

Native to America, Tillandsia is a fast-growing perennial flowering plant. This houseplant, also called daughter of the air, is hardy and easy to grow. Depending on the species chosen, Tillandsia can be used hanging, upside down or placed in a pot.  This plant has the peculiarity of feeding on the ambient moisture. Its leaves help trap water in the air, reducing humidity in the house to prevent mold. To make your plant last, keep it in a bright place and avoid direct sunlight.

If your indoor air is too humid, do not hesitate to adopt these plants that absorb ambient moisture.


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