This is why you should start putting salt in the fridge


This is why you should start putting salt in the fridge

Using salt in the refrigerator and around the house for various purposes is a practical and cost-effective approach. Here are some additional ways you can utilize salt for household tasks:

  1. Cleaning a Greasy Pan: If you have a greasy pan or kitchen utensils, sprinkle some salt on the greasy residue before washing. It will help break down the grease and make it easier to clean.
  2. Reviving Sponges: Sponges can develop unpleasant odors and bacteria over time. Soak them in a saltwater solution to freshen them up and extend their usability.
  3. Unclogging Drains: A mixture of salt, baking soda, and hot water can help clear minor clogs in your kitchen or bathroom drains. Pour this mixture down the drain and let it sit for a while before flushing with hot water.
  4. Cleaning a Coffee Maker: If your coffee maker has mineral deposits or coffee residue, run a mixture of water and salt through it to clean it. Follow with several cycles of plain water to remove any salt residue.
  5. Cleaning Burnt-On Food: For stubborn, burnt-on food in pots and pans, add a little water and salt, then bring it to a boil. Let it sit and cool, and you should be able to scrub away the burnt residue more easily.
  6. Cleaning Stained Teapots: If your teapot has tea stains, fill it with a mixture of salt and warm water and let it sit for a few hours. Scrub the stains away with a brush or sponge.
  7. Cleaning Refrigerator Shelves: To remove stains and spills from refrigerator shelves, sprinkle salt on the affected areas and scrub gently. It will help loosen the stains.
  8. Extinguishing Grease Fires: In case of a small grease fire in your kitchen, you can use salt to smother the flames. Never use water on a grease fire, as it can make the fire worse.
  9. Preventing Fruit Browning: You can use a saltwater solution to prevent fruits like apples and pears from browning after slicing. Simply dip the fruit slices in the solution briefly before serving.
  10. Removing Wine Stains: If you spill red wine on fabric, blot the stain and then sprinkle salt over it to absorb the wine. Later, you can wash the fabric as usual.

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