The strongest fertilizer and insecticide found in nature


The strongest fertilizer and insecticide found in nature

Nettle extract stands out as a high-performing natural pesticide, playing a vital role in safeguarding plants from potential illnesses caused by parasites. In addition to its protective function, nettle acts as a comprehensive fertilizer, providing essential nutrients for optimal plant growth.

To make nettle macerate, gather a substantial amount of nettles, wearing gloves and using gardening tools. Place the nettles in a large container with several liters of water, the quantity depending on your garden’s size. After 24-36 hours, the stinging substances in the nettles will dissipate, and the macerate will darken and emit an intense odor. Allow the maceration to continue for a few days, ensuring the release of all beneficial juices.

Mix one part of the nettle liquid with ten parts of clean water. Use this liquid to water your plants, providing ideal fertilization while protecting them from harmful insects and pests. With this simple yet potent solution, your garden will flourish with health and vitality.


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