The Best Potatoes DelMonico Recipe


The Best Potatoes DelMonico Recipe

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Steps to Create the Best Potatoes Delmonico:

Preheat your oven to a cozy 375°F (190°C) to welcome the potatoes.

Submerge the potato slices in cold water to keep them from turning brown. When you’re ready, drain them and gently pat dry with a paper towel.

For the luscious cream mixture, combine heavy cream, whole milk, minced garlic, dried thyme, butter, salt, and black pepper in a saucepan. Warm the mixture over medium heat just until the butter melts and it’s nicely heated through. Take care to avoid boiling.

Butter up a baking dish or give it a quick spray with cooking spray. Arrange the potato slices at the bottom, layering them slightly over each other for that perfect texture.

It’s cheese time! Sprinkle a generous amount of both Parmesan and Gruyere over the potatoes. Then, lovingly pour some of the warm cream mixture over the cheese.

Keep layering those potatoes, cheese, and cream until you’ve used all your ingredients. Aim to crown your dish with a final layer of both cheese and cream for that decadent top.

Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake it in your preheated oven. Let it do its magic for about 45-50 minutes.

After the timer rings, remove the foil to let the cheese get that irresistible golden color, which should take another 15-20 minutes. You’ll know it’s done when the potatoes offer no resistance to a fork’s poke.

Once out of the oven, give it a brief rest. Just before serving, sprinkle with fresh parsley for a pop of color and a hint of freshness.

There you have it—Potatoes Delmonico that combines the earthy taste of russet potatoes with the rich, comforting flavors of cream and cheese. Enjoy this classic dish that’s sure to satisfy your soul and your taste buds!


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