Tag: soap

How to make homemade lemon, vinegar and alcohol soap without caustic soda!

Embark on a journey to create a delightful homemade soap that combines the freshness of lemon, the cleaning power of vinegar, and the disinfectant properties of alcohol, all without the use of caustic soda. This easy-to-follow recipe ensures a gentle yet effective soap suitable for a variety of fabrics. Let’s dive into the ingredients and steps needed to bring this aromatic and cleansing soap to life.


1 liter of cold water
2 bars of glycerin soap
50ml of…

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How To Keep Flies Away From Your Outdoor Spaces This Summer

Tabe Paxson shares a nifty trick on Facebook to fend off bothersome flies from your porch, deck, or any place you enjoy outdoor relaxation. The secret weapon? A bar of Irish Spring Soap. Simply secure it in a mesh bag and hang it in the areas you frequent outdoors. This might seem unusual, but Irish Spring Soap, renowned for its distinct smell, actually boasts many uses beyond its basic bathing purpose.
The robust aroma of this soap is highly unappealing to various pests. Even a slight whiff carried by the breeze is enough to deter flies and keep your outdoor enjoyment uninterrupted. It’s not just flies that dislike the scent; even deer are repelled by it. That’s why some gardeners strategically place nylon stockings filled with soap shavings around their gardens as a plant protection measure.
Do you own an RV, camper trailer, or a seasonal cabin? Consider placing chunks of Irish Spring Soap inside when you pack up for the winter. The potent aroma also…

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Dish soap in the toilet, a life-changing move – you’ll do it every day

Beyond the sink, after breakfast, lunch, or dinner, dish soap emerges as a versatile solution for numerous lesser-known issues.
An Unexpected Solution: Unclogging Toilets with Dish Soap
Picture this: a blocked toilet, especially during a gathering. The mere thought induces panic. With myriad reasons, from human errors to pipe issues, this inconvenience can strike anytime. While the instinct might be to summon a professional, such actions, especially during off-hours, can burn a hole in your pocket.
Alternatives to Professional Intervention
The immediate solution might seem to reach out to costly chemical cleaners available at local stores. However, these pose health risks and might even harm your sanitary ware if used recklessly.
Nature to the Rescue: Grandma’s Secret Trick
Enter the natural, time-tested remedies; budget-friendly solutions that can potentially resolve the predicament promptly.
The Magic of Dish Soap
Dish detergent, an unsuspecting household item, is a game-changer in the battle against clogged toilets.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Dish Soap for Toilet Clogs

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Grease stains on kitchen cabinets can be a persistent issue, especially close to where you cook. Here’s a quartet of proven methods to strip away the grime and keep your cabinets looking spotless:
Soapy Warm Water:
Combine a few drops of gentle dish soap with warm water.
Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the solution.
Gently rub away the grease marks.
Rinse the cloth, then swipe over the cabinets to clear any soap remnants.
Pat the cabinets dry using a fresh cloth.


Vinegar Mix:

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