Saving the olive trees: the initiative with which you can adopt them


Saving the olive trees: the initiative with which you can adopt them

A very interesting project is born to enhance the Apulian territory and to safeguard the very symbol of the region, the olive tree , affected by diseases. A start-up aims to reforest the area by planting new plants, thus helping small companies in the region to grow olive trees and produce extra virgin olive oil.

Olive trees are the symbol of Puglia and southern Italy itself, a local excellence that makes Italian olive oil one of the best products in the world. Here, olive harvesting is an ancient tradition. Unfortunately, for years the trees have been ravaged by the epidemic of Xylella Fastidiosa , a bacterial pathogen that is killing all olive trees.

The start up for the protection of Apulian olive trees: the initiative

The emergency is great and fewer and fewer olive trees are found in the region, especially healthy ones. A condition that has serious repercussions on the environment , but also on the Italian oil market. Obviously, it is the small producers who pay the costs . To help small businesses, two young entrepreneurs have created a very interesting start-up.

Adopt Me Italy was created to help Apulian farmers and to protect olive trees. It is a start up that allows you to adopt an olive tree . Just connect to the Adopt Me Italy portal and select the type of olive tree you want to safeguard. For each adoption you receive a certain quantity of oil, as well as the opportunity to visit the company that produces it.

Each person who adopts an olive tree will receive information on the adopted plant, growth, maturation, fruiting, pruning and harvesting, up to the production of the oil . A truly precious project that intends to protect an all-Italian treasure, admired throughout the world.

In this way, small companies will be able to reforest the areas , continuing to produce oil and survive. Each adoption uses an official certificate . In short, a wonderful initiative that allows us to lend a hand to small Italian farmers, who have been in difficulty for years due to the bacterium transmitted by parasites and which causes serious alterations in the affected plant.


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