Raspberry and Pink Chocolate Flantoutis: The Recipe for the Hybrid Flan-Clafoutis Dessert


Raspberry and Pink Chocolate Flantoutis: The Recipe for the Hybrid Flan-Clafoutis Dessert

As the warm weather approaches, our cravings for light and fruity desserts become more and more pressing. What if we told you about a new treat that combines the sweetness of a flan with the generosity of a clafoutis? The “flanfoutis” with raspberries and ruby chocolate is the perfect answer to this search for freshness and taste pleasure.

The flanfoutis, as its name suggests, is a happy marriage between the flan and the clafoutis. It combines the firm yet melting texture of the flan with the richness and denser consistency of the clafoutis. This hybrid dessert is garnished with tangy raspberries and ruby chocolate, a chocolate with rosy hues and a slightly fruity taste that will be a hit at snack time.

A Delightful Fusion of Flavors

For those who have never tried this recipe, the flanfoutis is a surprisingly simple dessert to prepare. Follow the recipe that Annie shares on her Instagram account, and everything should go smoothly! Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious treat, perfect for summer breakfasts or snacks:

  • 1 large ripe banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 130 g of flour
  • 30 g of almond flour
  • 200 ml of milk or compote
  • 150 g of plain yogurt or cream cheese
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 60 g of fresh or frozen raspberries
  • 35 g of ruby chocolate chips

Mastering the Art of Flanfoutis

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). In a large bowl, thoroughly mix all the ingredients except the fruits. If using a banana, mash it well before incorporating it into the other ingredients. Gently fold in the raspberries and ruby chocolate chips into the batter. Pour the mixture into a greased round mold, preferably 16 or 20 cm (6 or 8 inches) in diameter. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes in a hot oven. Your cake is ready when it’s nicely browned on top, and a knife inserted comes out clean. Let the flanfoutis rest overnight in the refrigerator and enjoy it chilled!

Exploring Hybrid Dessert Delights

In the world of pastry, hybrid desserts have conquered the hearts of sweet lovers by combining the best of two classics to create innovative and surprising delights. If you’re still a little hungry, here are some recipes that might tempt you. And this time, the cookie is always involved!

The crookie combines the flaky and crispy pastry of the croissant with the rich, chocolatey, and fudgy texture of the cookie, offering a unique texture and irresistible taste. The brookie, on the other hand, marries the dense, fudgy brownie with the soft, crunchy cookie, creating a perfect contrast between the gooey and the crisp. The flankie, a fusion between the flan and the cookie, surprises with its creamy texture enveloped in a delicious biscuit crust.

Innovative Twists on Classic Treats

These desserts showcase the limitless creativity of modern pastry chefs, reinventing classics for the greatest pleasure of taste buds. If you enjoy exploring new flavor and texture combinations while savoring the comfort of your favorite desserts, then these cakes are made for you!


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