Ingredients for Pozole:
For the Soup:
- 4 liters of water for 6 servings.
- 1 shredded chicken breast, separated into strands.
- 1 white onion, cut into four parts.
- 8 large cloves of garlic.
- Salt to taste.
- 5 ancho chiles, cleaned, without seeds or shell.
- 5 guajillo chiles, cleaned.
- 6 cloves of garlic.
- ½ medium onion, chopped.
- ½ teaspoon oregano.
For the Garnish:
- 1 finely chopped lettuce.
- 1½ cups finely chopped white onion.
- 1½ cups thinly sliced radishes.
- Chile piquín to taste.
- Oregano to taste.
- Lemons cut into quarters.
- Avocado cut into cubes.
- Baked toast.
You can prepare this dish in two delicious ways, and the level of spiciness is based on your preference.