Potent Homemade Plant Fungicide


Potent Homemade Plant Fungicide

Creating the fungicidal elixir from natural ingredients is a straightforward process:

  1. Chop the garlic entirely, including the peel (125 grams per liter of water).
  2. Place a pot with a liter of water and add the chopped garlic, allowing it to macerate for 24 hours with the lid on.
  3. Afterward, introduce the ground cinnamon powder, stirring gently. Boil the mixture for approximately 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Once cooled, strain the concoction into a glass bowl.
  5. Incorporate the glass of milk, ensuring all three ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting substance stands ready to combat fungi on plants. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle for direct application onto leaves and stems. Alternatively, some gardeners prefer to enrich the soil by pouring the mixture at the plant’s base, providing a natural infusion of essential ingredients.

For optimal results, apply the fungicide at the earliest signs of fungal or bacterial attacks. While garlic, cinnamon, and milk are plant-friendly and rich in beneficial properties, seeking advice from a knowledgeable horticulturist ensures the right intervention for specific plants. The reassurance of experts ensures the well-being of our green companions, fostering a garden of thriving, resilient plants.


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