Potatoes and Salt, the Very Old Household Trick


Potatoes and Salt, the Very Old Household Trick

  1. Cut a raw potato in half.
  2. Sprinkle salt on half of the potato.
  3. Use this salted potato as a sponge, rubbing vigorously on the encrusted surface.
  4. Repeat the operation until the incrustation is completely eliminated.
  5. Thoroughly rinse the pot or pan with hot water and detergent to remove any salt residue.

This method is not only effective in removing scale but also extends the life of your pots and pans. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly and economical, using only ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen.

Scale under pots and pans is usually due to a combination of factors, such as rust accumulation, peeling of old paint, or food and liquid overflows during cooking.

Thanks to the use of a raw potato and salt, cleaning your pots and pans no longer has to be a daunting task. This easy, economical, and eco-friendly method helps keep your kitchen utensils clean and in good condition.


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