Poinsettia Perfection at home


Poinsettia Perfection at home

As anticipated, this typical Christmas plant should be placed inside the rooms of the house during the winter. It is important that it is not placed near heat sources, but in a bright environment with a temperature that does not fall below 15/20° C.

During the holidays you can place it in the living room , trying to give it the brightest corner of the whole room (perhaps in front of the window). Be careful of cold currents and humidity, never missing a good daily watering so that its leaves are always bright and unstained.

The plant must never be placed in a passage area. Although it appears robust, in reality its leaves are fragile and could break from the base if people or four-legged friends pass by, ruining its perfect foliage.

Immediately after the holidays, its ideal position is in a cool and airy room while in spring it can be moved to the balcony or garden. It loves bright areas, but not direct sun and draft. From October, the beautiful plant with a flowering never seen before will be relocated inside the house.


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