Jeff Goldblum Urges Action as Oceans Face Relentless Plastic Pollution at Alarming Rates


Jeff Goldblum Urges Action as Oceans Face Relentless Plastic Pollution at Alarming Rates

Jeff Goldblum’s love affair with the ocean began at a tender age. Growing up in Pittsburgh, the actor didn’t have many opportunities to dip his toes in the salty waters. That’s why his first encounter with the Atlantic Ocean left an indelible mark on his young mind. “It’s the first ocean I ever had an experience with,” Goldblum, 71, recalls. “I remember my mom taking me into the ocean cradle-style and feeling the waves for the first time and getting bobbed up and down.”

That magical moment sparked a lifelong passion for the oceans, a passion that has only grown stronger with time. “I couldn’t believe it,” the Jurassic Park actor reminisces. “I was tripping out, and then when we get back to shore, I laid down and let the sun dry this salty water on my tingly skin.” Ever since, he’s been “deeply in love with the oceans.”

The Oceans: A Vital Lifeline

Goldblum’s affection for the oceans is more than just a whimsical fancy; it’s a deep appreciation for the vital role they play in sustaining life on our planet. “The oceans are home to most of the life on our planet,” he says. “They play a central role in the world’s natural systems, like regulating the climate and they provide livelihoods to so many.”

Beyond their ecological significance, the oceans are also a crucial source of sustenance. “They also feed hundreds of millions of people and have the capacity to provide a healthy seafood meal to a billion people every single day,” Goldblum adds.

A Troubled Paradise

Sadly, this aquatic paradise is under siege from a multitude of threats. “The oceans are in trouble and face a whole bunch of threats from climate change and overfishing and habitat destruction and oil and plastic pollution and the killing of threatened species like turtles and whales and sharks,” Goldblum laments.

It’s a dire situation that demands immediate action, and that’s where Oceana, a protector and restorer of oceans, comes in. “Over the past 20 years, that organization has won more than 300 victories,” Goldblum says. “So that’s why I’m so drawn to them. I’m thrilled to be able to do any small thing I can to support them.”

Waging War on Plastic Pollution

One of Goldblum’s most significant contributions to Oceana’s mission has been his efforts to combat plastic pollution. In 2020, he joined forces with Oceana board member Keith Addis to urge California lawmakers to pass statewide plastics legislation. “We knew the situation was urgent for the planet and we knew that California had an invaluable opportunity to … make waves, so to speak, in the fight against plastic pollution,” he explains.

Their efforts paid off when, in 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act (SB 54), which requires manufacturers to cut single-use plastic waste by 2032 and ensure that the packaging on products they sell is recyclable or compostable.

Raising Awareness, One Step at a Time

Goldblum’s commitment to ocean conservation doesn’t stop there. He has also helped raise awareness about the oceans through partnerships like the Supreme Sneakerhead sneaker design competition in 2023, which raised more than $729,000 for Oceana.

But for Goldblum, the most powerful way to connect with the oceans is through personal experience. “You only have to imagine that it’s this supremely alive place. I put on a pair of goggles and I saw some unbelievable fish,” he says, recounting a recent dip in the ocean. “And for the rest of the day, I felt totally alive in a unique way. It really gets in your molecules somehow, and it’s just fantastic.”

A Call to Action

Goldblum believes that everyone can play a role in protecting the oceans. “Contact your elected officials who are working on the local, state, or federal level to make sure that protecting the oceans and addressing the climate crisis are at the top of their priority list,” he urges. “And of course, vote with your wallet. All the services that you use, make sure that and demand that they’re using products that are plastic-free. Those are some things you can do.”

But perhaps the most important step is simply to appreciate the oceans for the wonders they are. “Getting involved with Oceana or another eco-friendly organization is one way people can help save the oceans,” Goldblum says. By fostering a deep connection with these vast, life-giving waters, we can all become champions of their preservation.


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