1. The magic of the simple joys

Do you remember when you were a kid, and the smallest things made the most significant impact? Don’t you miss those simple times? Thankfully, there is a way to revisit this mindset – your grandkids! Have you noticed how a child’s laughter over something as simple as a game of peek-a-boo can lighten your entire day? Grandkids remind us of the joy in life’s little moments, helping us appreciate the beauty in simplicity.

2. Endless curiosity

We may feel we have the answers to many of life’s biggest questions, but we don’t even come close. That said, stay curious, and follow your grandbaby’s lead! Our grandkids, with their never-ending and often thought-provoking questions about the world, remind us that life is full of mysteries waiting to be explored. Through their curious eyes, we start to see the world as a place brimming with possibilities and wonders!

3. Unconditional love and affection

We may feel unworthy, but darn it, we are perfect in the eyes of our grands, which they convey through their love and affection. The unconditional love and hugs we receive from our grandkids melt away the years and any cynicism we’ve accumulated, as their pure affection reminds us of the healing power of love.

4. Living in the moment

It’s hard not to look back on and think about your past regrets (or, for that matter, to fret about the future), but guess what? It doesn’t matter, which is yet another beautiful lesson our grandkids – who have the ability to live in the present – can teach us. When we observe them, we’re reminded to cherish each moment and find joy in the ‘now,’ something we often forget in our busy lives.

5. Rediscovering playfulness

Kids LOVE to play, and when we join in their games and pretend plays, we find ourselves shedding years, laughing more freely, and rediscovering our playful side that was tucked away. What a gift!

6. Learning anew

We may think we are the ones teaching our grandkids (which, don’t get me wrong, we are/do!), but often, we are the ones learning from them! Whether it’s new technology, trends, or just their unique take on life, our grandkids are often our best teachers, as they can bring us up to speed with the changing world.

7. The wonder of first experiences

Seeing our grands experience things for the first time, be it their first snowfall or their first trip to the zoo, rekindles our own sense of wonder and allows us to experience these joys all over again through their eyes. (Is there anything better?)

8. Renewed hope and optimism 

It may feel like the world will implode at any time, yet it keeps spinning, with our wonderful grandkids being its future leaders. While the world can sometimes feel gloomy, our grandkids’ optimism and hope are contagious, giving us a reason to look forward with a renewed sense of hope and positivity.


The next time you’re with your grandkids, take a moment to observe and appreciate these magical influences they have on your life! Through their eyes, we see the world not as it is but as it could be – full of joy, wonder, and love. God bless!