The creative mind behind this colorful mosaic bird bath that puts old CDs to good use. If you’re a member of the MP3 generation, you’ll find an ample supply of CDs at your local thrift shop (or you already have them sitting in a dusty corner of your home).

Besides the obvious beauty, a DIY birdbath has a lot to offer. For example, attracting birds to the garden is one of the best ways to keep the mosquito and aphid populations under control.More importantly, birds need water to survive, and a helping hand is always appreciated,

Your mosaic birdbath begins with a large plant saucer. Terracotta and terracotta look-alike saucers are reasonably priced and easy to find at garden centers or big-box home improvement stores.  

Keep in mind that CDs snap when you break them and the pieces are likely to fly everywhere. To protect your hands (and your eyes), put the CDs in a canvas bag first. Then, if the broken pieces are too large, use a pair of scissors to cut them into smaller or more interesting shapes. Break several CDs and choose the pieces that work best in your mosaic.

Wipe the saucer with a clean cloth to remove dust and debris, then spread a thin, even layer of heavy-duty adhesive with a sponge paintbrush. Apply adhesive to only a small section of the saucer at a time. Otherwise, the adhesive may set up before you’ve arranged the CD pieces to your liking. An area you can complete in five minutes is just right.