Stephanotis is a vining plant that produces clusters of waxy, sweet smelling flowers in spring and summer.

It’s one of the easier indoor plants to grow as it just needs bright light for watering but no artificial fertilizers or pesticides!

The leaves on this climbing vine have dark green color with attractive patterns throughout which means they look good no matter what season you’re seeing them during – from fresh snow drifts all way through hot summers day at your local park bench.


You don’t know what you’re missing out on if your house doesn’t have a eucalyptus plant.

These beautiful plants are perfect for those who want an invigorating scent in their home or office, but they can be tricky to grow because of how quickly these plants need water!

It is essential that we check them often so make sure and give this beauty some love every couple of weeks by checking the soil moisture level before setting one free indoors.


Sweet bay is a tree with thick, glossy leaves. It has herbal scent and slight floral notes that will make for an interesting addition to soups or stews when you clip off their leafy tops from time to time!

Sweet bays are happiest in full sun but can handle some shade as well; just keep them away from trees who’s branches might touch theirs by accident since this could cause injuries due the sweetbay’s sharp thorns on its trunks (not kidding).


A fascinating tea rose cultivar, this fibrous plant features broad green leaves and ever blooming pinkish white flowers that appear along its red stem.

Blooms are fragrant with lightly sweet aroma – preferring medium to bright light when kept indoors or high humidity levels in the air it breathes out on a regular basis (think dampened towel).

The perfect addition for anyone who loves beautiful plants from all around!