Grow mint for the entire year with this method


Grow mint for the entire year with this method

You can’t miss the very fragrant mint plant on your patio, right next to the other herbs that smell good. Here, we’ll talk about how to make it grow lush and healthy, and most importantly, how to make it spread.

You can either plant the seeds yourself or buy a baby if you want to grow mint on your balcony. If you need to hurry and don’t want to wait for it to grow, choose the second option. In this case, once you’ve bought the plant, take it out of its pot. You’ll see right away that the pot has a bunch of roots in it. For the right decantation, you need to gently separate them. Spread clay on one or more pots first, then universal soil on top of that. Everything is now ready to be poured!

As you may already know, mint is an annual herbaceous plant in the labiatae family. It grows wild in the Mediterranean and is very simple to grow. If you want delicious, fragrant mint leaves, put this shrub in the spring. The leaves will start to grow in the summer.

How to make

To begin, you should know that peppermint, a type of mint with a strong scent, is what you usually find on the market. Like a lot of other plants, it can be grown from roots or stems. Let’s look at this together:

  • if you choose to grow from seed, keep in mind that you will need to cover the seeds with a little soil after you plant them. Not too much; a light state is enough. Remember to keep the dirt wet until you see the first shoots appear.
  • from cuttings: It’s very simple to grow this plant from cuttings. As? First, cut a stem from an existing mint that is about 5 to 10 cm long. Take off the leaves and put the cutting in a pot with wet soil. Make sure the soil stays wet until roots grow.

Where to put the mint plant

Bear in mind that mint grows best in the shade, though a little sun every once in a while is fine. To prune the plant properly, you need to cut off the top of it on a regular basis. This keeps it from getting too tall. Always keep the dirt moist and water it often. If it rains, snows, or hails outside, you should cover this plant with a sheet that still lets it breathe. In this way, you will keep the leaves from getting wet, which would ruin them.

How to take care of a mint plant


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