Here’s how to get infinite tangerines from just one fruit


Here’s how to get infinite tangerines from just one fruit

How to maintain the mandarin tree and obtain good mandarins?

The mandarin tree is easy to maintain. Water your fruit tree regularly, ensuring that  the soil remains moist between waterings.  The mandarin tree needs a regular supply of water, like all citrus fruits. Furthermore, if you notice that the leaves are pointing towards the ground, this means that your tree is lacking water. Fertilize your tree throughout its vegetative growth period, that is to say from March to September. Choose  a slowly decomposing fertilizer for this, and add it to a moist substrate,  so that the minerals do not burn the roots of your tree.

When the young plants reach 10 to 15 cm in height and their root system is well developed, repot them into a larger pot. Repotting is also necessary every 2 or 3 years. Place clay balls at the bottom of the new pot  to ensure good drainage,  and use a substrate consisting of sand, compost and garden soil.

Then prune your tree as soon as the flowers appear. To do this, cut the branches and thin twigs  to avoid cluttering your shrub.  This will give the fruits of your mandarin tree more access to light.

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