Here’s how to get infinite tangerines from just one fruit

The tangerine is a citrus fruit appreciated for its scent and its flavor that is both sweet and tangy. This fruit is very beneficial for health, in particular thanks to its content of antioxidants and vitamin C. To benefit from the benefits of this citrus fruit and taste organic mandarins, you can grow a mandarin tree at home. Growing this fruit tree is easy and suitable even for people who don’t have a green thumb! Find out how to plant tangerines at home to have unlimited them, and without a trace of pesticides.

Mandarin should not be confused with clementine. The latter is a hybrid of the mandarin. That is to say, it comes from the fertilization of a mandarin flower with the pollen of a sweet orange. There is also a difference in taste. Mandarin is sweeter than clementine and contains more seeds. This fruit is also the least acidic compared to the rest of the citrus fruits.

How to plant tangerines in pots?

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