Get rusty pruning shears to look like new


Get rusty pruning shears to look like new

1. Disassembly:
If your pruning shears can be taken apart, start by removing the bolt that holds the blades together. This step isn’t obligatory, but it ensures the solution reaches all inner parts of the tool.
2. Rust Removal with Vinegar and Salt:
Begin by preparing a solution in a glass jar or baking dish. Fill it with white vinegar and add around 2 tablespoons of salt. Stir until the salt granules dissolve.
3. Submerge the Shears:
Place your pruners into the vinegar-salt solution, ensuring they are fully submerged. If needed, add more vinegar to cover the metal completely. Include the bolt and nut as well.
4. Soak and Bubble Action:
Allow the pruners to soak for 12 to 24 hours. During this time, you’ll notice bubbles forming on the rusted areas as the solution works its magic.
5. Rust Removal and Scrubbing:
After the soaking period, much of the rust will have loosened. You can scrub away the remaining rust using steel wool.
6. Neutralizing the Vinegar:

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