The Florist’s Trick for Extending Freshness


The Florist’s Trick for Extending Freshness

As soon as we buy fresh flowers it is necessary to immediately put them in a clean vase with a little fresh water, which must wet the stem halfway. The stem must have been cut transversely three centimeters from the bottom. This allows for greater water absorption. If the flower has only one bud, it is necessary to cut it only when the bud is open. When placing the flowers in the vase it is good advice not to immerse the greenery in water, but it is necessary to remove the leaves and prevent the flower stems from rotting.

The water in the vase must be changed regularly so that it does not become putrefied. The advice is to change it every 48 hours.

Florists recommend using lukewarm water, never too cold and never too hot. To ensure the right nourishment for cut flowers, it is a good idea to add a teaspoon of sugar to the water. Florists recommend always removing dried leaves and flowers and cutting the stems at an inclination of forty-five degrees in order to allow the flowers to absorb greater water.

It is best to place the vase of cut flowers in a cool environment and never near heat sources which can wither the leaves and speed up their deterioration. Florists recommend placing the vase of cut flowers outside, or on the balcony, so that it benefits from natural air and sunlight.

Fresh flowers: how to maintain them with natural remedies?


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