How to eliminate aphids from plants for a few cents

Another ingredient that can be used as a homemade method is the one corresponding to the onion.

In fact, its decoction can have a protective and preventive effect against certain fungal diseases.

It can be prepared by pouring 1 liter of water into a pan, with the addition of 3 onions cut into thin slices. Cook for 15 minutes and, after letting the mixture cool, pour it into the sprayer and then spray it on the plants.

This treatment must be repeated every 3 days and, instead of onion, the decoction can also be prepared with chopped garlic and kept in water for 1 day. Then continue with the same procedure as with the onion.

In short, these are certainly natural remedies to get rid of these parasites: there seem to be at least 5000 species in the world and they can really damage our plants precisely because they seem to feed on their sap.

Here they pierce the leaves and swallow the juice. Be on alert especially in spring: attention must be high during this period, whether the plants are at home or in the garden.

In order to preserve the health of our plants, let’s follow these tips and there will certainly be no regrets: in short, vinegar can now become your best friend in this sense too. And not just vinegar! Seeing is believing, even with the help of onion.

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