- In a large glass jar, combine sugar and brandy. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
- Add drained peaches, apricots, maraschino cherries, and pineapple chunks to the jar. Stir well.
- Cover the jar with a kitchen towel, but do not seal it tight. Leave the fruit on the kitchen counter for the entire 30 days.
- During days 1-9, stir the fruit with a wooden spoon.
- On day 10, add a can of pineapple chunks with juice. Cut each chunk in half and add 1/2 cup of sugar. Stir well with a wooden spoon.
- Days 11-19, continue stirring the fruit well with a wooden spoon.
- On day 20, add 2 small jars of drained and halved maraschino cherries and 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Stir well with a wooden spoon. The fruit will turn pink in color.
- Days 21-29, continue stirring the fruit well with a wooden spoon.
- On day 30, drain the fruit from the liquid and reserve both. Put the fruit in the refrigerator and separate the liquid into three glass pint canning jars. One is for you to keep, and the other two are for your friends. Refrigerate the fruit to eat over ice cream or cake.
Friendship Cake:
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