Mend Holes in Your T-Shirt with Angela Brown’s Effortless Trick


Mend Holes in Your T-Shirt with Angela Brown’s Effortless Trick

Do you have a favorite sweatshirt or t-shirt that’s developed a tiny hole? If you ignore the hole, vainly hoping it will disappear or repair itself, you’re likely going to find a much bigger hole in the near future. But, with a few simple steps like the ones below, you can save your favorite shirt from a life in the junk clothes pile (or worse- the dump!).
This video from Professor Pincushion shows two different methods for repairing the tiny holes, including one no-sew option. Keep reading for the full directions on how this works.

What you need:

For the no sew option you’ll need parchment paper, ironing board, hot iron, thin cloth, fusible bonding web (lightweight) and lightweight stabilizer. (The bonding web and stabilizer are both inexpensive and available in most sewing departments.)

One note before you start:

Before you get started, keep in mind that these repairs work best for smaller holes, but don’t be afraid to try them with slightly larger holes.



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