5 tips for one day of cebolla and added otoño


5 tips for one day of cebolla and added otoño

No better time to plant more and more cebollas than in the otoño. This is not the only thing that allows you to keep part of your garden space productive during the winter months, otherwise it can also produce a large amount of greenery in the near future.

Aunque el ajo y las bollas can be planted and cultivated as a traditional primary crop in the majority of climates, for those who experiment with more of an invierno greenery, planting a principios del otoño can maintain important variations in the primary season.

To do this, the egg layer allows the bulbs of the cebola to grow significantly. Planting in the otoño, the bulbs have the opportunity to germinate and start a temporary growth. Luego, tired of sleeping during the winter months, recovered quickly to life in the first place.

Planting ajo and cebollas in the otoño can  produce large heads of ajo  and larger bulbs, but they are even more sabrous.

Then there is a base loaded on the bottom, the bottom of the vent is unbelievable when it comes out and it increases. Even if you include better than cultivar bulbs larger, allow your ambos cultivars not to be invierno in the only one that lasts longer to achieve a better health profile.

5 tips for a few days of this bowl and one added to it:

1- Plant it and add it at the right time

To plant a layer of added or cebolla in the otoño, the moment is essential. For vegetal plants, this plant means that it will allow you to have these weeks of growth before the cold starts in winter.
Siempre plant ajo y cebolla con la punta hacia arriba. This will allow the crop to germinate and grow quickly on the surface.

This time of increase in harvests over the last few weeks is essential for growing crops. This allows them to remain inactive for a long time during winter. These are good reasons to prepare the scenario for a further development of the basic principles. Why not plant included before? Because the climate in the room requires fresh air to bloom.

If you plant it too early in the verano, the seed bulbs and the seeds of the seed may have problems germinating and growing.

2- Prepare your bombs and vanes with anticipation

Consigue tus bulbos lo antes posible para plantarlos. It can be difficult to encounter these balls and the roots of the plant. Unfortunately, the majority of gardening and living businesses have to reduce the existence of plants and seeds in the middle of the verano.

All juegos de cebollas y dientes de ajo se pueden amacenar temprano para plantar. Ambos will be maintained well in a fresco and seco hasta la siembra. The cebolla games are a better option than the cebola seeds to plant in the otoño, because the cebollas are much larger than the next one. The sets are also easier to remove and maintain in boxes than the third-party plants.

When it comes to garlic, select healthy seed stock for planting. If using garlic from your own harvest, select the largest and best bulbs for planting. This will give you the best chance of success and producing big buds.

3- Prepare your soil for planting

Garlic and onions both need loose, fertile, well-drained soil to grow best. This not only allows the bulbs to grow larger but also prevents them from rotting in the sometimes overly humid conditions of late fall and early spring.

Prepare your soil well before planting to ensure harvest success. The best way to do this is to add generous amounts of compost to the bottom of each planting furrow. The compost will provide both the nutrients and improved drainage that the bulbs need to thrive.

As for planting depth, we plant garlic bulbs 7cm deep and our onions 5cm deep. Whether you are planting garlic cloves or onion bulbs, always plant with the pointed end of the bulb facing up. This is where they will germinate and allows for faster growth upwards from the soil.

To plant, you first dig a furrow in the ground to create a row. Then we add about 3 cm compost to the bottom of the trench. Once the compost is in place, we then plant the bulbs in the compost layer. This allows the seed to be surrounded by vital nutrients as it germinates and grows.

4- Soak the bulbs before planting them

Here’s another big tip before planting in the fall, soak your bulbs before planting. Soaking allows the bulbs to absorb moisture before sinking into the soil. And without moisture, the bulbs simply won’t germinate.

This can be essential in late summer and early fall when the soil may be quite dry. After summers which are particularly hot and dry. To soak your plants, fill a bucket with water the day before planting and throw the bulbs in.

Some gardeners even add a few tablespoons of pure baking soda to the water. It is said to help speed germination and protect bulbs from insects and rot. The simple task of soaking the bulbs can speed up germination time by a week or more.

Always be sure to use distilled or untreated water for soaking. Chemicals in tap or treated water can often affect the ability of bulbs to germinate.

5- Mulch your crops

Quiz the main secret of all for a good container of cereals or ajos planted in the otoño are mantenerlos siempre cubiertos with a good capa de mantillo. The mantle will not only protect the crops during the winter, but will also protect the competitive males and the mantle will retain moisture on the ground.

Immediately after leaving the plant, cover the sole with a 2 cm coat cap. The pajamas work very well as mantillo, just as the crushed hojas or the hierba recorts. Once you see that the crops begin to emerge in just a few weeks, they continue to grow. To leave the end of the ear and the principles of winter, our crops must be covered with a mantle to a depth of 10-15 cm.

This will help protect your cebolla and even harsh temperatures and winter weather. Once you leave the primavera, simply add a bit of mantillo fresco to the upper part of the threads and prepare it for a large cosecha a principios del verano.

Let’s plant a good layer of ajo and cebolla this is otoño.


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