Month: July 2024

Straight, Happily Married Father has been Wearing a Skirt and High Heels in Public for Four Years

Mark Bryan, an American robotics engineer living in Germany, describes himself on Instagram as a straight, married man who enjoys porches and beautiful women… and incorporating skirts and stilettos into his daily wardrobe. That’s right: A dad of three, he’s just a straight father wearing a skirt, and challenging gendered clothing norms everywhere he goes.

Straight Father Wearing a Skirt Challenges Gender Norms

What do you think when you see a woman walking down a busy street wearing a pencil skirt and heels? Mark Bryan sees a powerful businesswoman ready to take on the world. Always admiring the power these women exude, he decided to start wearing them too. (2)

Full Support From His Family

Now, this father wearing a skirt has made a big name for himself on Instagram, challenging gender-normative clothing, and cementing himself as an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. (2) Married three times, he says his three children and his current wife, whom he’s been with for 11 years, support his clothing choices. (2)

First Time Jitters

Bryan says the first time he wore a skirt and heels was actually in college. His girlfriend at the time asked him to put them on before he danced with her. Now 61, he has been wearing them to work for the last four years. (2)

How His Children Feel About His Clothing Choices

Opening up to his kids about how he liked to dress was tricky. He wanted them to understand that it was about clothing preferences and not sexuality. (2) “I just told them that their dad liked to wear skirts and heels and not to worry about me being gay or that it’s anything sexual.” he explained. (2)

Stylish Dad!

From then on, he began mixing and matching styles depending on what he was feeling brave enough to go to work in. He started out in pants and heels, but moved on to wearing skirts, saying that the look of a tight pencil skirt and heels is his favorite. (2)

He was nervous going to work dressed this way for the first time. After all, already six feet tall without the heels on, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide. He quickly realized, however, that most people don’t even care. (2) “A big majority of people don’t really care what a person wears.” he claims. (2)

Some Backlash to be Expected

Of course, Bryan is asked about his sexuality quite regularly. This question bothers him because he says that clothing shouldn’t have a gender – what he likes to wear is independent of who he prefers to date. (2) “Clothes have no gender, but I do refer to my shirts as men’s; just to be clear, I do not wear blouses. Even if I say I wear a men’s shirt and a women’s skirt and heels, it’s all non-gender clothes to me.” (2)

Other Men Are Surprised He Isnt Gay

It’s men who are the most surprised to discover that he is straight and can talk “guy stuff” just like any other man. When people do question his sexuality, he will sometimes tell them he’s straight, however, most often he politely lets them know that it’s none of their business. (2) “But there are times I’ll go off on some, mostly men, when asked. I’ll respond with something like ‘why would me wearing a skirt make you think of my sexual preferences?” or “would you ask that same question if I was wearing pants?’, or ‘Do you ask a women wearing a skirt and heels her sexual preferences?’” he says. (2)

Of Gender and Clothing, It’s More Than a Father Wearing a Skirt

Whether we agree or not, our clothing has become heavily gendered. We have men’s and women’s sections in stores. It is customary for men to wear suits on special occasions and women to wear dresses, and you certainly won’t find stilettos in the men’s section of your local department store.

The LGBTQ+ Community

For the LGBTQ+ community and most specifically the trans community, clothing, and identity are heavily linked. (3) Cis-gendered individuals often use their clothing to (3) make a political statement and disrupt gender stereotypes. express their sexuality or how they would like to be identified and to feel confident and live as their true, authentic selves

Despite this, few clothing brands cater to this market at all. Especially when it comes to footwear, it can be incredibly challenging for these people to find clothing that fits. This is frustrating and makes many cis-gendered people feel uncomfortable and unseen for who they truly are. (3)

The Future is Here

Non-binary legislative analyst Elliot Richardson describes how incredible it feels when you find clothing that is just the right size and shape for you. (3) “It’s like a warm, glittery feeling. It’s very comfortable. It is like going inside after a cold day to a hot, warm beverage. Like a lot of it is also like a feeling of relief.” (3)

People like Mark Bryan, intentionally or not, are helping bring the need for non-gender conforming sizes and brands for the LGBTQ+ community into the spotlight. The more people who challenge the notion that suits are for men and pencil skirts are for women will push brands to rethink fashion and hopefully become more inclusive in the stores, online, and in the media. This is more than just a father wearing a skirt, it’s a father making a statement.

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Signs Of Financial Abuse In A Relationship

It’s common for couples to occasionally argue about money or bicker over bills. But if your partner is controlling when it comes to spending, discourages you from earning more money, or has begun controlling all the income in your relationship, it may be a sign of financial abuse.

“Financial abuse is the withholding of funds or refusing access to funds to a responsible partner,” Julie Williamson, LPC, NCC, RPT, a therapist at Abundant Life Counseling St. Louis, LLC, tells Bustle. “The aim of it is to gain control and dominance over one’s partner or one’s own fear and anxiety of losing money.”

If you have a disagreement, and are able to work it out, then you likely have nothing to worry about. That said, “it’s important to watch out for financial abuse because financial abuse is often symptomatic of other types of abuse, such as emotional and verbal,” Williamson says. “It gives one partner power over the other, which leads to loss of trust, authenticity, and emotional intimacy in the relationship.”

Oftentimes, the more subtle signs of financial abuse are easy to miss. In fact, a 2011 study found that even though 99% of domestic violence cases involve financial abuse, only 22% of Americans saw financial abuse as a form of domestic violence. While it may look different than physical harm, financial abuse is still a dangerous method used for control over victims.

If you find yourself in this situation, talking to your partner may be helpful — but if this is just one more thing in a trend of abuse, keep your safety in mind. And seek help. “I recommend seeking counseling, individual or marital counseling, with a therapist who specializes in financial abuse,” Williamson says. “This can help to not only ensure each partner’s safety and seek to restore the relationship, but also to address the underlying issues regarding one person’s withholding of funds from the other, as well as empower the non-offending partner to advocate for themselves and set healthy boundaries.” Or, if need be, speak with people you trust who can help you to leave the relationship. Here are a few signs of financial abuse, according to experts.

1 They Control All The Credit Cards

Some couples agree to have one person handle financial responsibilities, while the other does something equally important — and everything remains fair and balanced as a result. When it comes to financial abuse, though, it’s common for one partner to control all the money (income, credit cards, etc.) in an unhealthy and manipulative way.

“If your partner is refusing to allow you access to credit cards or bank accounts, it’s financial abuse,” Williamson says. “This is financial abuse because your partner is seizing authority over you and not viewing you as an equal, nor trusting you enough to spend money in a healthy manner.”

In 2017, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence shared that an abusive partner may also maintain all control over credit cards and accounts in order to create “coerced debt”; this could ruin the victim’s credit, increase their debt, and make things like buying a car or renting an apartment nearly impossible in the future.

Keeping tabs on all the credit cards may also be their way of ensuring you’re totally dependent on them so you can’t leave the relationship. If you think this is happening to you, find the right time to reach out to someone for help.

2 They Get Weirdly Upset When You Spend Money

If your partner gets upset whenever you spend money — whether it’s their money, your own money, or shared “couple” money — take it as a sign, especially if you’ve begun to live in fear of their reaction.

“If you fear your partner … seeking retribution for a purchase you made, this is financial abuse,” Williamson says. “You may feel tempted to hide purchases, use cash instead of credit, etc. for fear that you will be punished for making a purchase without your partner’s approval.”

While many couples create a budget and agree upon what’s worth spending money on and what isn’t, it’s not healthy for one person to call all the shots — or get extremely angry or upset whenever money is spent.

3 They Control All Your Income

If your paycheck goes directly to your partner or directly into their bank account without your consent, that’s definitely financial abuse. This is true even if they paint it as a way of “helping” you learn how to control your finances, and if they say it’s their way of helping you be organized.

The dependency this creates can be long-lasting and make it much more difficult to escape an escalating domestic violence situation. A 2010 survey reported that 85% of victims return to their abuser, with a significant amount citing a lack of ability to get their own finances under control as a reason for going back.

“When one person has sole control over the finances, it creates an unhealthy control element,” Angel M. Hoodye, MS, LPCS, CART, owner of Flourishing Hope Counseling, tells Bustle. “The person that manages all of the finances has freedom and independence financially while the other person is dependent. This arrangement discourages independence for the person being financially abused.”

4 They Have Too Much Say In Your Career

It’s completely fine to chat about your career choices — especially if you’re planning on getting married and want to be financially stable down the road. (You might, for example, both agree not to go to grad school until you’ve purchased a house.) But there’s a big difference between making joint plans and your partner telling you what to do.

“A partner can take advantage of the money a partner earns, or they can employ tactics to prevent their partner from developing their own financial independence,” Ashley Bendiksen, an abuse prevention educator, tells Bustle. One example, she says, includes a partner influencing your career in a way that would keep you dependent on them, possibly by discouraging you to go back to school.

5 They Harass You At Work

Another way to restrict financial freedom is by ruining your prospects at work, which may include them showing up at your place of employment to cause problems, make you look bad, etc.

One example of this behavior would be the victim experiencing physical abuse before an interview or important meeting so that they either show up unprepared, or don’t show up at all. A 2017 guide by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reported that 8 million days of paid work are lost each year due to financial abuse.

“This often causes [people] to lose their jobs or causes major disruption when pursuing an education,” Deborah J. Cohan, Ph.D., a professor of sociology at the University of South Carolina-Beaufort, tells Bustle. “When [people] who are abusive violate their partners at work, they violate their partner’s independence and restrict [their] movement in organizations in which [they] could have access to power and resources.” And that’s not OK.

6 They Spend Money Behind Your Back

Financial abuse can also be rooted in secretiveness. “Many times I hear from people looking for my advice, who find secret credit card accounts that their partner has opened and used without their knowledge or consent,” New York-based relationship expert and author April Masini tells Bustle.

While it’s fine for people to spend their own money, and buy things without telling their significant other, secretiveness can become a problem. Keeping secrets about joint funds can be abusive, Masini says. And you shouldn’t have to go through that.

7 They Give You An Allowance

All couples are different in terms of how they divvy up their finances. But if your partner controls all the money, and only provides access to an “allowance,” it’s likely an unhealthy situation — especially if your partner tells you how and when to spend it.

According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, an abusive partner can pose the idea of giving them control over their finances as a way to lessen their “stress,” but down the line, the victim may realize that accounts might have been moved, and they’ve lost all control of their finances altogether.

As Hoodye says, “A person experiencing financial abuse is under complete financial dependence on the provider of funds. If [they do] need money they may receive an allowance. They also may have to follow a strict protocol for spending. If additional funds are needed they may need to provide justification and provide each receipt for purchases.” None of which is healthy.

8 They Keep You In The Dark

As far as bills, credit cards, and debts go, a financially abusive partner may intentionally keep you in the dark as a form of control. “When a person has no information about any of the financial inner workings of their life, they are not able to practice financial independence,” Hoodye says. “Financial stability is a key element of a well-balanced life. When this element is unbalanced, additional worries arise.”

9 They Often “Play Games”

There’s a healthy way to split financial responsibilities in a relationship, and then there’s the abusive way that involves games and manipulation.

“The overt financial abuser puts themselves in the role of gatekeeper of all the money,” Shannon Thomas, therapist and author of Exposing Financial Abuse: When Money is a Weapon, tells Bustle. “Access is granted through them and often involves games of manipulation. The overt financial abuser is looking for power and domination in their relationship.”

Games differ from person to person, but the goal is always the same. “The purpose of financial abuse is the abuser creating a world that meets their needs and is about their comfort,” Thomas says. “Financial abusers lack empathy and true attachment to those around them. It is critical that people are aware of this form of harm because it has long-term devastating consequences for its victims, both emotionally [and] financially as well.”

10 They’re Hiding A Large Debt

Money issues can be difficult to talk about. But in healthy, long-term relationships, it’s super important to open up and be honest with each other.

Without that honesty, it’s possible to cross over into what’s often called “financial infidelity,” where one person lies about their money or hides something important from their partner. For example: “You may discover debt you didn’t know about,” psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina, LMFT, Ph.D., tells Bustle, which can have a negative impact on your relationship.

Unlike other abusive situations, if they can learn to be more honest with you about debts going forward, the relationship can be salvaged. Therapy may be key here, as you both work through financial problems, and learn to be more transparent.

11 They Take Advantage Of Your Generosity

In financially abusive relationships, it’s not uncommon for one or both partners to take advantage of each other’s generosity. So take it as a sign if your partner seems to be using you for money.

“It’s OK to support your partner through school, or be the main support while your partner is child-rearing or temporarily out of a job, but [they] should be doing something to compensate,” Tessina says. “Partners who are immature may see the relationship as financial support and do nothing to support themselves,” which can lead one person to feel used.

Financial issues can take many forms, and not all of them are toxic in an unfixable way. But in general, “if your partner wants to control all the money, it’s a warning sign [of financial abuse],” Tessina says.

If it’s to the point where it’s no longer possible to talk to your partner about it — and your life is being negatively impacted — it may be a good idea to reach out to a therapist, and find a healthy way to exit the relationship.

Editor’s Note: If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1(800) 799-SAFE (7233) or visit

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Denzel Washington Launches Anti-Woke Academy Awards, “No Woke Nonsense Allowed”

In a bold and unexpected move, acclaimed actor and director Denzel Washington has announced the launch of a new awards show aimed at countering what he perceives as the overwhelming presence of “woke” culture in Hollywood. The “Anti-Woke Academy Awards,” set to debut next year, promises to celebrate films and performances based on traditional artistic values, without the influence of contemporary social and political agendas. Washington’s declaration of “No Woke Nonsense Allowed” has already sparked a flurry of reactions from all corners of the entertainment industry.

Denzel Washington’s career has spanned over four decades, earning him critical acclaim and numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards. Known for his powerful performances and dedication to his craft, Washington has also been a vocal critic of what he sees as the increasing politicization of Hollywood.

During a recent interview, Washington expressed his concerns about the current state of the film industry. “Hollywood used to be about storytelling, about the art of cinema,” he said. “But now it seems like every film has to check a list of political and social boxes. It’s more about making a statement than making great movies. That’s why I’m launching the Anti-Woke Academy Awards, to bring the focus back to the art and the craft.”

The Anti-Woke Academy Awards will feature a range of categories similar to the traditional Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress. However, the criteria for selection will be distinctively different. Films will be judged purely on their artistic merit, storytelling, and performance, with no consideration given to the social or political messages they may convey.

“We’re going back to basics,” Washington explained. “Great stories, compelling characters, and outstanding performances – that’s what this awards show will celebrate. No agendas, no politics, just great cinema.”

Unsurprisingly, Washington’s announcement has generated a mix of reactions within the entertainment industry. Supporters of the Anti-Woke Academy Awards applaud the initiative as a necessary counterbalance to what they perceive as the overreach of political correctness in Hollywood.

“Finally, an awards show that focuses on the art rather than the agenda,” said an anonymous Hollywood insider. “Denzel is a legend, and if anyone can pull this off, it’s him. This could be a game-changer for the industry.”

Conversely, critics argue that the creation of the Anti-Woke Academy Awards is a step backward and undermines efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in Hollywood. “This is disappointing,” commented a prominent film critic. “Denzel Washington is an influential figure, and this move feels like a rejection of progress. Representation matters, and it’s important to continue pushing for inclusivity in all aspects of filmmaking.”

The launch of the Anti-Woke Academy Awards is emblematic of the broader cultural debates that have intensified in recent years. The term “woke” has become a lightning rod in discussions about social justice, inclusivity, and political correctness. For some, being woke represents a necessary and progressive shift towards addressing historical injustices and promoting equality. For others, it symbolizes an overreach that stifles creativity and prioritizes political agendas over artistic expression.

Washington’s new awards show is poised to become a focal point in these debates, highlighting the deep divisions within both Hollywood and society at large. It raises questions about the balance between art and activism and the role of entertainment in reflecting and shaping societal values.

The Anti-Woke Academy Awards could have significant implications for Hollywood. By creating an alternative platform that eschews political and social considerations, Washington is challenging the prevailing norms of the industry. This move could encourage filmmakers who feel constrained by current trends to produce more traditional and straightforward narratives.

At the same time, it risks deepening the ideological divide within the industry. As more filmmakers and actors choose sides in this cultural conflict, Hollywood could see an increasing polarization, with different factions advocating for competing visions of what the film industry should represent.

As the Anti-Woke Academy Awards prepares for its inaugural event, all eyes will be on Denzel Washington and his team. The success or failure of the awards show will likely influence future industry practices and set the tone for ongoing debates about the role of politics and social issues in entertainment.

For Washington, this initiative represents a return to what he believes are the core values of cinema. “At the end of the day, it’s about the movies,” he said. “It’s about telling great stories that resonate with people on a fundamental human level. That’s what I want to celebrate.”

The announcement of the Anti-Woke Academy Awards by Denzel Washington marks a significant moment in the ongoing cultural battles within Hollywood. Whether this new awards show will succeed in reshaping the landscape of the film industry remains to be seen. However, it has already succeeded in igniting a crucial conversation about the balance between artistic integrity and social responsibility.

As Hollywood continues to navigate these complex and often contentious issues, the Anti-Woke Academy Awards will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the industry. For now, Denzel Washington stands as a vocal advocate for a return to traditional cinematic values, challenging both Hollywood and its audiences to reconsider what makes great art.

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Lia Thomas Thrown Out of All-Women’s Gym, “No Place for You Here, William”

In a dramatic and contentious incident, Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer who has been at the center of a national debate on gender identity in sports, was reportedly thrown out of an all-women’s gym. The incident, which has quickly gained media attention, saw gym staff referring to Thomas by her former name, William, and telling her that she was not welcome. This event has further inflamed an already heated discourse on the inclusion of transgender individuals in gender-segregated spaces.

Lia Thomas, who gained national attention as a competitive swimmer, has been both celebrated and criticized for her participation in women’s sports. Recently, she visited an all-women’s gym, hoping to find a supportive and welcoming environment. However, the visit quickly turned confrontational. According to witnesses, Thomas was approached by gym staff who addressed her as William and asked her to leave, stating bluntly, “No place for you here, William.”

The gym staff’s decision to use Thomas’s former name, known as deadnaming, and their refusal to allow her to stay has sparked significant outrage among LGBTQ+ advocates and allies. Deadnaming is widely considered disrespectful and harmful, as it denies a transgender person’s gender identity and can be a source of psychological distress.

The incident has elicited a strong response from both supporters and critics of transgender rights. LGBTQ+ advocacy groups have condemned the gym’s actions, emphasizing the importance of creating inclusive spaces for all individuals, regardless of gender identity. “This kind of discrimination is unacceptable,” said a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign. “Transgender individuals deserve the same respect and access to facilities as anyone else. Lia Thomas has every right to be in that gym.”

On the other hand, some individuals and groups argue that the gym’s decision reflects a broader concern about fairness and safety in gender-segregated spaces. They believe that allowing transgender women into all-women’s spaces can compromise the comfort and security of cisgender women. “It’s a complex issue,” said a representative of a women’s rights organization. “We need to find a balance that respects everyone’s rights and concerns.”

The incident raises important legal and ethical questions about the rights of transgender individuals and the responsibilities of businesses to provide inclusive environments. In many places, anti-discrimination laws protect transgender people from being excluded from public accommodations based on their gender identity. If the gym is located in such a jurisdiction, their actions could potentially be in violation of these laws.

From an ethical standpoint, the incident underscores the need for greater awareness and sensitivity around transgender issues. Businesses and institutions must navigate the complex landscape of gender identity with compassion and respect, ensuring that all individuals feel safe and welcome.

Lia Thomas’s journey has been one marked by both triumph and controversy. As a transgender woman, she has faced significant challenges in her pursuit of athletic excellence. Her participation in women’s sports has sparked a nationwide debate about fairness, inclusion, and the evolving understanding of gender.

Thomas began her transition while competing on the men’s swim team at her university. After transitioning, she joined the women’s team and quickly made headlines for her impressive performances. While some have celebrated her achievements as a victory for transgender rights, others have questioned the fairness of her participation, arguing that her biological advantages as a former male athlete give her an unfair edge.

Despite the controversies, Thomas has remained steadfast in her commitment to compete and advocate for transgender inclusion in sports. Her experience at the all-women’s gym is yet another chapter in her ongoing battle for acceptance and equality.

The incident at the gym is part of a larger societal conversation about the rights of transgender individuals and the extent to which society is willing to accommodate their needs. Issues of access to gender-segregated spaces, participation in sports, and the use of preferred names and pronouns are all areas where conflicts have arisen.

Many transgender individuals face significant obstacles in their daily lives, from discrimination in employment and housing to challenges in accessing appropriate healthcare. Incidents like the one involving Lia Thomas highlight the persistent barriers and prejudices that transgender people encounter, even in spaces that should be supportive and inclusive.

The incident at the all-women’s gym serves as a stark reminder of the work that remains to be done in the fight for transgender rights and equality. It underscores the need for continued education and awareness to foster understanding and acceptance of transgender individuals.

For Lia Thomas, the incident is likely to be a deeply personal and painful experience, but it also serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and courage that defines her journey. As society continues to grapple with issues of gender identity, her story remains a crucial part of the conversation.

Businesses and institutions can take steps to prevent similar incidents by implementing comprehensive diversity and inclusion training for their staff, adopting clear anti-discrimination policies, and ensuring that their facilities are welcoming to all individuals. These measures can help create environments where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued.

Lia Thomas’s experience at the all-women’s gym highlights the ongoing challenges faced by transgender individuals in their quest for acceptance and equality. The incident has sparked widespread debate and underscores the need for greater awareness and sensitivity around issues of gender identity. As society continues to evolve, it is essential to create inclusive spaces that respect and affirm the identities of all individuals. Lia Thomas’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and determination required to overcome prejudice and advocate for a more inclusive world.

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Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood Join Mel Gibson’s New Woke-Free Movie Studio

In a move that has both excited and divided Hollywood, iconic actors Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood have announced their collaboration with Mel Gibson on a new movie studio that promises to be “woke-free.” The studio, which aims to provide a platform for films that focus on traditional storytelling without the influence of modern social and political agendas, is already creating a significant buzz within the industry. This initiative represents a pushback against what its founders perceive as an overly progressive trend in contemporary filmmaking.

Mel Gibson, known for his successful career as both an actor and director, has been a controversial figure in Hollywood. Despite his personal controversies, Gibson has continued to work in the industry, producing critically acclaimed films such as “Hacksaw Ridge” and “The Passion of the Christ.” His decision to launch a new movie studio stems from a growing frustration with the current state of Hollywood, which he feels is too focused on “woke” politics and social justice narratives.

Gibson’s vision for the new studio is to create films that prioritize storytelling, character development, and traditional values. By partnering with Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood, two respected and influential figures in the industry, Gibson hopes to attract a wide audience that feels alienated by the current direction of mainstream cinema.

Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood bring significant star power and credibility to the new venture. Russell, known for his roles in classics like “Escape from New York,” “The Thing,” and more recently, “The Hateful Eight,” has a reputation for his versatility and strong screen presence. Eastwood, a legendary actor and director with films like “Unforgiven,” “Gran Torino,” and “American Sniper” under his belt, is known for his no-nonsense approach and his dedication to telling compelling, often gritty, stories.

In a joint statement, Russell and Eastwood expressed their excitement about joining the new studio. “We believe in the power of great storytelling and are thrilled to be part of a venture that prioritizes artistic integrity and traditional values,” they said. “This studio represents a return to the kind of filmmaking that inspired us to pursue careers in this industry.” 

The primary mission of the new studio is to produce films that avoid the influence of modern social and political ideologies, focusing instead on universal themes and timeless narratives. The founders believe that the current trend in Hollywood has led to films that prioritize messages over story, resulting in content that can feel preachy or agenda-driven.

Mel Gibson elaborated on this vision in a recent interview. “We want to create movies that people can enjoy without feeling like they are being lectured to,” he said. “Our goal is to entertain, to tell stories that resonate on a fundamental human level, and to respect the intelligence of our audience.”

The announcement of the new studio has garnered mixed reactions from within the industry. Supporters of the initiative applaud the move as a necessary counterbalance to what they see as a pervasive trend of “woke” content in Hollywood. They argue that there is a sizable audience that feels underrepresented by current films and that this studio could fill that gap.

Critics, however, view the venture as a regressive step that could undermine efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity in the film industry. Some have expressed concerns that the studio’s emphasis on traditional values might lead to content that marginalizes certain groups or perspectives.

The creation of Gibson’s new studio is part of a larger cultural debate about the role of politics and social issues in entertainment. In recent years, Hollywood has seen a significant increase in films and TV shows that address topics such as racial justice, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights. While many praise these efforts for raising awareness and fostering inclusivity, others feel that the focus on social issues has come at the expense of quality storytelling.

This divide is reflective of broader societal tensions, with different segments of the audience seeking different things from their entertainment. For some, the new studio represents a much-needed alternative that prioritizes narrative and character over message, while for others, it is a step backward in the ongoing effort to make the film industry more inclusive and representative.

Although specific projects have yet to be announced, the studio has hinted at several films already in development. These projects are expected to cover a range of genres, from action and adventure to drama and historical epics. The involvement of Russell and Eastwood suggests that the studio will produce high-quality, star-driven films that appeal to a broad audience.

Gibson has also indicated that the studio will be open to working with both established filmmakers and new talent who share the studio’s vision. By fostering a creative environment that values traditional storytelling, the founders hope to attract filmmakers who feel constrained by the current trends in Hollywood.

As the new studio takes shape, its founders are committed to proving that there is still a significant market for films that prioritize story over social commentary. They believe that by focusing on universal themes and timeless narratives, they can create content that resonates with audiences across the political spectrum.

For Kurt Russell and Clint Eastwood, this venture represents a return to the roots of their careers, when films were primarily about engaging stories and compelling characters. Their involvement brings credibility and experience to the project, and their fans are eager to see what kind of content this new studio will produce.

The collaboration between Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, and Clint Eastwood on a new “woke-free” movie studio marks a significant moment in Hollywood’s ongoing cultural evolution. As the industry continues to grapple with questions of representation, inclusivity, and the role of social issues in entertainment, this new venture promises to provide an alternative that prioritizes traditional storytelling and artistic integrity.

Whether this studio will succeed in its mission remains to be seen, but its formation is already sparking important conversations about the future of filmmaking and the diverse needs of audiences. In an industry often dominated by trends and movements, Gibson, Russell, and Eastwood are betting that there is still a place for films that focus on the fundamentals of great storytelling.

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Dennis Quaid Joins Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen’s New Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance

In an era where the entertainment industry is frequently polarized by social and political ideologies, a new alliance is making headlines. Veteran actors Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen have launched a “Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance,” and their latest addition, Dennis Quaid, has added significant star power to the movement. This alliance aims to provide a platform for artists who feel marginalized by the current Hollywood culture, which they perceive as overly influenced by progressive agendas.

Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen, both well-known for their conservative views, have often found themselves at odds with mainstream Hollywood. Barr’s career took a notable hit after controversial tweets led to the cancellation of her successful reboot, “Roseanne.” Tim Allen, despite his success with “Last Man Standing,” has also been vocal about the challenges he faces in an industry that he believes does not welcome conservative viewpoints.

The idea for the Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance reportedly emerged from informal conversations between Barr and Allen. They shared their frustrations about what they see as a lack of diversity of thought in Hollywood. The alliance’s mission is to create a supportive community for actors, writers, directors, and other creatives who feel their perspectives are not represented or respected in the current entertainment landscape.

Dennis Quaid, an accomplished actor with a career spanning over four decades, is the latest high-profile figure to join this alliance. Known for his roles in films such as “The Right Stuff,” “The Parent Trap,” and “The Day After Tomorrow,” Quaid has built a reputation as a versatile and respected actor. His decision to join the Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance underscores the growing discontent among some Hollywood veterans.

In a recent interview, Quaid expressed his reasons for joining the alliance. “I’ve always believed in the importance of free speech and diversity of thought,” he said. “In recent years, it’s become increasingly difficult to voice any opinion that goes against the grain without facing backlash. I’m joining Roseanne and Tim because I believe in their mission to foster a more inclusive environment where all viewpoints can be heard and respected.”

The Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance aims to create an alternative space within Hollywood where conservative and moderate voices can flourish without fear of retribution. The alliance is not anti-progressive but rather pro-diversity of thought. Its founders believe that true inclusivity means welcoming a range of perspectives, including those that may be unpopular in the current cultural climate.

One of the primary goals of the alliance is to produce content that reflects a broader spectrum of viewpoints. Barr, Allen, and Quaid have already begun discussing potential projects that align with the alliance’s values. These projects aim to offer audiences stories that are not typically represented in mainstream media, focusing on themes such as personal responsibility, traditional values, and patriotism.

The formation of the Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance has sparked a wide range of reactions within the entertainment industry. Supporters applaud the initiative as a necessary step towards greater ideological diversity in Hollywood. They argue that the industry has become increasingly monolithic in its political leanings and that the alliance provides a much-needed counterbalance.

Critics, however, see the alliance as a regressive move that could deepen existing divisions within the industry. Some argue that the term “woke” is often used pejoratively to dismiss important social justice movements and that the alliance’s stance could undermine efforts to promote equality and inclusivity.

Despite the controversy, the alliance has gained significant attention and support from both industry insiders and the general public. Many believe that the current cultural climate in Hollywood has stifled creative expression and that the alliance could serve as a catalyst for change.

Looking ahead, the Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance has several projects in the pipeline. These include a new television series spearheaded by Tim Allen, which aims to blend comedy with social commentary from a conservative perspective. Roseanne Barr is working on a stand-up comedy special that addresses her experiences and viewpoints candidly. Dennis Quaid is in talks to produce and star in a feature film that explores themes of freedom and personal responsibility.

The alliance also plans to host events and workshops aimed at supporting and mentoring young artists who feel alienated by the prevailing cultural attitudes in Hollywood. These initiatives are designed to foster a more inclusive environment where different perspectives can be shared and celebrated.

The emergence of the Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance highlights a broader cultural shift within the entertainment industry. As societal and political divisions become more pronounced, the industry is increasingly reflecting these divides. The alliance represents a pushback against what its members see as an ideological monopoly in Hollywood.

While it remains to be seen how successful the alliance will be in achieving its goals, its formation is indicative of a growing desire for greater ideological diversity in the arts. By providing a platform for underrepresented viewpoints, the alliance could pave the way for more balanced and varied storytelling in film and television.

The Non-Woke Actors’ Alliance, led by Roseanne Barr, Tim Allen, and now joined by Dennis Quaid, is a bold response to what its members see as a pervasive culture of ideological conformity in Hollywood. By championing free speech and diversity of thought, the alliance aims to create a more inclusive environment for artists of all political persuasions.

As the alliance moves forward with its projects and initiatives, it will undoubtedly face both support and opposition. However, its existence alone is a testament to the growing demand for a more ideologically balanced entertainment industry. Whether or not it will succeed in reshaping Hollywood’s cultural landscape remains to be seen, but its impact on the ongoing conversation about diversity and inclusion in the arts is already significant.

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Which of the glasses contains the largest amount of water?

This visible puzzle demands lateral wondering, or what we phone “outside the box.” To get there at a alternative, you ought to assume cautiously in accordance to the data in entrance of you.

In the photo, there are four glasses whole of water with a amount that appears to be like the exact same, with each and every of them possessing a unique item in dimensions and fat.

You have to obtain out which glass has the most significant quantity of drinking water out of the other eyeglasses. The response is at the base of the article.

@sweetdreamsdloverPuzzle for IQ Test: Only a Sharp Mind can spot which Glass has more Water in Picture within 11 secs!

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Justin Bieber posts picture of himself crying, fans get concerned, and then wife Hailey responds

Justin Bieber has been in the limelight for well over a decade. The singer got his start early on and became an international sensation at just the age of 15 years old when he released his mega-hit ‘Baby.’

At 30 years old, the singer is still very much popular with millions of fans. Keep reading to see what picture caused fans to be concerned…

Justin Bieber posted a picture on Instagram yesterday, which caused fans to be very concerned. Bieber posted two pictures of himself crying. The pictures showed the popstar in tears as he faced directly into his phone’s front facing camera.

The pictures came in a ‘photo dump’ the singer did on Friday. It had a collection of images, none of which seemed to be tied to one another in anyway.

The pictures of Bieber shedding tears was accompanied with random pictures. One of them featured a couple onstage while another might have featured some weed, but since it was blurry, it could not be confirmed.

The pictures of Bieber crying hence seem even more misplaced and random. The emotional image showed another side of the singer which not a lot of people see. A male artist rarely would be so emotionally open on their Instagram account to show pictures of themselves in tears.

The pictures concerned Bieber’s fans. One person wrote, “I hope you are doing okay, i hate to see tears running down your face.” Another concerned fan wrote, “Idk what you’re going through man, but hang in there. Find yourself, hang on, peace will follow. You got this!”

Another person commended the singer for his honesty, writing, “I love that you’re not afraid to show your vulnerability and emotions. It’s always great to remember that behind every single celebrities, there’s still a human being. YOU ARE LOVED.”

Another fan added, “justin is a real man he is not afraid of showing his emotions.”

Justin’s wife, Hailey Bieber made sure to let everyone know that the picture might not have been as serious as they were making it out to be. She wrote a lighthearted comment, calling him “a pretty crier.” Her comment signalled to fans that it was not something serious that they need to be worried about.

However, Bieber made quite a lot of other posts on his profile after this particular photodump so it seems like he might be doing alright!

What do you think about Justin Bieber posting the pictures of himself crying. Let us know in the comments in our Facebook page!

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Travis Kelce Proposes to Taylor Swift with a $13 Million Ring Hours after Pat McAfee remarks. The proposal reportedly took place in a private and intimate setting, with close friends and family present to share in the joyous occasion.

Travis Kelce is about to pick up a new piece of bling, it’s an engagement ring for Taylor Swift…. In a clever teaser posted by the Kansas City Chiefs, the tight end holds up three of his fingers and points to one of his knuckles with a knowing smile. “TONIGHT,” reads a message at the end alongside a diamond-ring emoji.

In a dazzling turn of events, NFL star Travis Kelce has proposed to pop sensation Taylor Swift with an astonishing $10 million ring. The news of their engagement has taken the world by storm, captivating fans and media alike.

Travis Kelce, renowned tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs, and Taylor Swift, one of the most influential artists in the music industry, have been the subject of widespread speculation regarding their relationship. This proposal confirms the deep bond they share and marks a significant milestone in their romance.

The engagement ring, valued at an impressive $7 million, is a testament to Kelce’s love and commitment to Swift. The couple, who have been publicly supportive of each other, are now set to embark on this exciting new chapter together.

The proposal reportedly took place in a private and intimate setting, with close friends and family present to share in the joyous occasion. Details about the exact moment and location are still emerging, but sources close to the couple describe it as a deeply emotional and unforgettable experience.

Fans of both Swift and Kelce have flooded social media with congratulatory messages and well-wishes, celebrating the union of two beloved public figures. The engagement has quickly become a trending topic, with many expressing their excitement and happiness for the couple.

As Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce prepare for their future together, their engagement is sure to be one of the most talked-about events in both the entertainment and sports worlds. Stay tuned for more updates and details as this story continues to unfold

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Guy Fieri Threw Robert De Niro Out of His Restaurant?

On June 1, 2024, the SpaceX Fanclub Facebook page (@SpaceX6683) posted that celebrity chef Guy Fieri threw Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro out of one of his restaurants. According to the post, Fieri told De Niro, “Go dine in some woke place.” As of this writing, the post received more than 148,000 likes, 14,400 comments and 21,000 shares.

The post read, “Guy Fieri Throws Robert De Niro Out Of His Restaurant, ‘Go Dine In Some Woke Place.’”

The first comment under the post linked to an article about the purported news on The story began as follows:

In an unexpected twist in the world of celebrity dining, culinary star Guy Fieri made headlines by reportedly ejecting legendary actor Robert De Niro from one of his popular restaurants. The reason? Fieri, known for his spiky hair and larger-than-life personality, allegedly told De Niro to “go dine in some woke place.” This surprising incident has sparked widespread discussion, combining elements of Hollywood drama, culinary culture, and the ever-persistent debate over “wokeness” in America.

The altercation reportedly took place at one of Fieri’s flagship restaurants, Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar, located in the heart of New York City. According to witnesses, De Niro arrived with a small group of friends for a casual dinner. Known for his discerning palate and frequent patronage of top-tier dining establishments, De Niro’s presence initially caused a buzz of excitement among the staff and other diners.

However, the excitement quickly turned into confusion and tension when Fieri himself made an appearance. It’s rare for the busy restaurateur to personally visit his establishments, which made his sudden entrance all the more notable. Witnesses claim that Fieri approached De Niro’s table with a stern expression and engaged in a brief, heated conversation with the actor.

While the exact details of their conversation remain unclear, multiple sources confirm that it ended with Fieri making a blunt statement to De Niro. “You should go dine in some woke place,” Fieri allegedly said before asking De Niro to leave the restaurant. The actor, visibly taken aback, reportedly complied without causing further commotion, leaving the establishment with his party in tow.

Commenters under the Facebook post were quick to celebrate the supposed news.

Wrestler and mixed martial artist Ken Shamrock commented from his verified Facebook account, “Finally fighting back with the crazy woke agenda.”

A different user wrote, “De Niro deserves everything hs’s [sic] getting. He brought it on himself.”

One person commented, “I love it! Only wish I was the one to give Little Bobby DeNero [sic] the boot myself.”

Another user remarked, “It’s about time people start fighting back.”

However, the item was not a factual recounting of real-life events. The SpaceX Fanclub Facebook page displays the description, “We post SATIRE. Nothing on this page is real.” Further, a disclaimer on specified the website “specializes in satire, parody and humor” and said “we would like to emphasize that nothing on this website is real.”

For background, here is why we sometimes write about satire/humor.

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