Day: July 1, 2024

I Hope My Unemployed 64-Year-Old Mother Will Look After My Child, but She Insists on Being Paid

In an engaging Reddit discussion, a young mother’s predicament has drawn significant attention and sparked a debate about the dynamics of family support, generational differences, and the financial realities of modern parenting.This situation centers around a 29-year-old woman who, upon preparing to return to work after giving birth, approached her 64-year-old mother to babysit her newborn.

However, the seemingly straightforward request took a complicated turn when her mother insisted on being compensated for her services.

The woman, having recently become a mother, faced the challenging task of balancing her career with the demands of a new baby. She expressed her situation succinctly on Reddit: “A female Redditor opened up about a dilemma she was facing with her mother. The woman explained that she had just given birth to her child and needed help caring for her newborn as she was returning to work.

” Believing her retired mother to be the ideal candidate for babysitting due to her extensive experience and trustworthiness, she was surprised by her mother’s response.

The older woman, who had been a homemaker since 1992, voiced her reluctance to commit to a full-time caregiving role. She explained her viewpoint:

“The grandmother reasoned that she was too old and had already raised her children. She also told her daughter that she should have considered staying home if she wanted to have a baby.” The financial pressure on the young mother was palpable.

She outlined her financial struggles in the post, revealing, “I make $55k/yr, but have $39k in student loans + $20k in other debt (credit card, car loan, medical debt on credit). My partner makes about $36k/yr and has $5k in credit card debt.” This detailed breakdown illustrated the economic constraints that made it necessary for her to continue working despite her new motherhood.

Despite the young mother’s clear need, her mother’s terms for helping were steep. She requested $20 per hour, additional costs for late pickups, and insisted on having a car seat and stroller since she refused to babysit at her daughter’s apartment. The young mother found these terms financially and logistically untenable, leading her to consider alternative childcare options that might prove more cost-effective.

Her decision to possibly opt for a daycare was further explained by her: “Therefore, every cent counted for the new mother. However, the grandmother did not agree to babysit her child without any compensation.

She asked to be paid $20/hr, including late fees should the parents pick up the child late, a car seat, and a stroller, and to be compensated for driving the child back to her daughter’s house because babysitting from their apartment was not an option.” The response from the Reddit community was mixed, with many criticizing the daughter for appearing entitled.

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Pay attention to this date from now on. It’s not an ordinary expiration date. After working for years and years in grocery stores, I see that most people just randomly buy eggs without really noticing this detail

As for me, and I am sure many other people who enjoy eggs, there is a certain level of pleasure in breaking an egg. Whether I am preparing a fluffy omelet for breakfast, baking a cake or simply a quick fried rice for dinner, eggs are always on my menu. Occasionally, I get them from the farmer’s market, but the majority of the time, they are from the supermarket and are sealed in those typical boxes. As time passed, I realized that knowing the codes on these boxes is not a mere fascination, but rather a need.

Have you ever looked at the numbers on the egg carton and wondered what they stand for? Those numbers may look like some kind of code, but they are easy to understand once you understand what they represent. So, let me get this straight, shall we?The Julian Date: Your Egg’s Birthday.First of all, the three-digit code which seems to be a set of completely random numbers. This is called the Julian date and it indicates the actual day of the year when the eggs were packed. The Julian date is from 001 to 365. For instance, if you notice the code 001 on the carton, it implies that the eggs were graded on the 1st of January. A code of 365 means December 31st. Pretty simple, right?I still recall the first time I encountered this. I was in my kitchen, looking at an egg carton and I felt like Sherlock Holmes solving a case. “Well, these eggs are from March 15th,” I thought to myself, feeling strangely proud of myself. It’s like knowing the password to a private group of people who are passionate about eggs.The Packaging Plant Code: The Source of Your EggsBeside the Julian date, you may find a code that begins with the letter ‘P’ – this is the plant code and it indicates the location where eggs were processed. This information is especially useful if there is a recall of eggs. Understanding the plant code can assist with identifying if your specific carton is affected by the recall. It is a small aspect but it goes a long way in ensuring that the eggs you consume are safe.Why This Matters. Perhaps, you may be asking yourself why all this is important. What is the importance of knowing the Julian date and the plant code? Okay, allow me to explain this to you.A few years ago, there was a huge egg recall because of the salmonella contamination. I can still recall it as if it was yesterday because I had purchased a couple of cartons from the store. I began to panic as I wondered if the eggs in my fridge were among those being recalled. But then, I remembered the plant code and the Julian date. I checked the area and breathed a sigh of relief as they were not in any danger.

Freshness and Expiry: Eggs Are Not Forever

Another important factor that has to do with these codes is how to handle the eggs for freshness. Eggs are safe for consumption up to 30 days from the date they were packed provided they are stored correctly. The Julian date assists you with this.I have gotten into the routine of checking the Julian date as soon as I get home from the store. It is like a small ceremony. I write down the date, make a simple mathematical calculation, and remember when to use them up. It is a very simple measure that helps me always have only fresh eggs which has a huge impact on the taste of the dish.Quality and Safety: Not Just DatesAlthough the Julian date and plant code are crucial, there is more to it for you to be sure of getting the best eggs. You can also look for other marks on the carton, such as the USDA grade shield and the words “pastured” or “organic” if that is what you are looking for.Another advantage of eggs with the USDA grade shield is that they have been inspected for quality and conform to certain standards. Grade AA eggs are the best quality eggs with thick egg whites and firm yolk which is suitable for frying or poaching. Grade A eggs are only slightly less firm than Grade AA but are still great for cooking and baking.

Organic and Pastured EggsIf you like eggs from free-range chickens, you may want to look for terms such as ‘organic’ or ‘pastured. ’ Organic eggs come from chickens that eat organic feed and are not given antibiotics. Cage-free eggs are laid by chickens that are allowed to graze and feed on real food, which makes the eggs more delicious.Let me tell you how all this knowledge came together for me. One Saturday morning I decided to make an omelet. I extended my hand for the carton of eggs, looked at the Julian date printed on it, and felt reassured – these eggs were packed just a week ago. They were fresh and perfect. I cracked a couple into a bowl; their yolks were orange and dense, indicating freshness.I then incorporated some milk, salt, and freshly ground pepper into the mixture while whisking it. I melted a pat of butter in the skillet and let it foam, then cracked the eggs into it. The omelet rose splendidly and I covered it with the sautéed mushrooms and cheese and then folded it. It was the best omelet I’d made in ages, and I’m convinced it was because the eggs were so fresh.

So the next time you are holding a carton of eggs, try to solve the codes. It is not just knowledge that one gains from knowing the Julian date and the plant code; it is the guarantee of quality and safety for the eggs you consume. From scrambling eggs in the morning to baking a cake in the evening, understanding what those numbers mean can take your egg skills to the next level.Ultimately, it is a relatively minor but enjoyable aspect of the gastronomic process. Who wouldn’t want to learn something new while having their breakfast?

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My Granddaughter Kicked Me Out Because I Got Married at 80 – I Couldn’t Take the Disrespect & Taught Her a Lesson

When my granddaughter Ashley threw me out after I got married at 80, I decided I couldn’t condone the disrespect. With my new husband, Harold, we devised a daring plan to teach her a lesson she’d never forget, leading to a confrontation that would change our family forever. I never thought I’d be telling this story, but here we are.

My name is Margaret. I lived with Ashley, who I raised after her parents died. But when I told her I was marrying Harold, she said, “You’re too old for a wedding dress,” and kicked me out. After everything I had done for her, I felt so betrayed. Harold welcomed me into his home, and we got married in a small ceremony. We decided to teach Ashley about respect. Knowing she loved photography, Harold anonymously sent her a ticket to a local photography gathering where he would present his award-winning photos. At the event, Harold showcased our wedding photos, saying, “I found love at 79, proving age is just a number.” I addressed the audience, “When Ashley’s parents died, I sold my house to pay for her education. I raised her as my own. But recently, she forgot that love and respect.” Ashley approached us, tears streaming, “I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” We hugged, and she invited us to a family dinner, promising never to take me for granted again. As we left that night, I felt a renewed sense of belonging and hope for a new beginning.

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People Are Making The Funniest Jokes About Last Month’s Politics, And I Am On My KNEES Laughing

Let’s be honest — last month’s politics were a mess, but they resulted in some painfully funny jokes. I had to compile a list of the best ones, so here you go:


C-SPAN2 / @kenshirotism




CNN /@stclairashley





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Americans, We Want To Know If Anything You Saw In The First 2024 Debate Between Trump And Biden Changed Your Mind

For the first time since 2020, former President and convicted felon Donald Trump went head-to-head with current President and ice cream aficionado Joe Biden. According to recent polls, it’s a close race, so even seemingly small changes in public opinion could have a big impact.

So, if you watched the debate, we want to know if anything you saw changed how you feel about the two leading candidates for President of the United States.

Maybe you went in feeling unsure about who you’d vote for. You weren’t particularly fond of either candidate, but after seeing how they responded to the moderators’ questions, you’re now leaning more toward one over the other.

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President Joe Biden’s Blank Stare Is Going Viral, And You Know What, It’s Hilarious

President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump went head-to-head in a presidential debate on June 27 hosted by CNN and moderated by anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Joe Biden speaks at a CNN event in a suit and tie

A serious Donald Trump is seen wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and a red tie, standing in front of a blue background

Apparently, Biden and Trump were the only two candidates who met the criteria for this presidential debate, which, based on how it went down, was to play golf well and be extremely meme-able.

If you had the TV on mute after 15 minutes, like me, you would’ve noticed the funniest faces and expressions made by the two candidates as they bumbled through political topics.

Now, President Biden’s deep stare is going viral, and the internet is making plenty of jokes. Here are the best ones.


CNN / Twitter: @MrDrewLandry

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