Day: January 19, 2024

Many have started pouring olive oil on plants

Applying olive oil to plants: What prompts this action? Certainly, there is a specific rationale behind it, and we’ll delve into the details below.

This somewhat unconventional method, often met with surprise, is, in reality, a highly effective technique centered on the use of olive oil applied to plants. It’s a foolproof approach applicable not only to indoor plants but also to those flourishing in the garden. Let’s uncover the unexpected benefits arising from the use of olive oil.

Applying olive oil to plants: Preliminary insights

Building upon the introductory lines, we are about to discuss a method that can truly make a difference, revolving around the use of olive oil. Most of us recognize olive oil as a versatile and beneficial ingredient for various reasons. However, the application of oil to plants might not be common knowledge.

Enthusiasts of gardening often adorn their homes with plants or enhance their gardens with beautiful and vibrant ornamental flora.

The focus here is on plants that add a splash of color to homes, brightening both indoor and outdoor spaces.

As the days lengthen and become sunnier, the urge to beautify gardens and terraces intensifies.

It’s essential to recognize that merely purchasing plants is insufficient; dedicating time and appropriate care is paramount.

Those aiming for an impressive display of healthy and properly growing plants must be acquainted with the right methods and tricks. These are indispensable elements for achieving satisfactory results.

Applying olive oil to plants: A natural alternative to chemical solutions

An increasing number of individuals prefer tending to their home plants while avoiding the use of certain chemicals available in stores.

These chemicals not only contribute to pollution but are also environmentally harmful. Plant enthusiasts are inclined towards methods based on entirely natural substances.

This inclination stems from the desire to make a tangible contribution to environmental preservation and safeguarding health.

Olive oil emerges as one of the most effective and natural solutions for cultivating plants.

This particular ingredient has piqued the curiosity of many who are unaware of its benefits for house plants.

Discover the utility of this specific product for plants in the following indications.

Two methods of applying olive oil: Here’s how

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  • 1 liter of whole milk
  • 100 ml of liquid cream (35% fat)
  • 125 ml of natural yogurt


  • Pour 1 liter of whole milk and 100 ml of liquid cream into a pot. Heat very slowly at a gentle temperature until it reaches 80°C, which will take about 30 or 40 minutes.
  • It’s important to use a thermometer to properly control the milk’s temperature.
  • Once the thermometer indicates the desired temperature, remove the pot from the heat and wait for it to cool to 37°C or 40°C.
  • When the mixture reaches this temperature (and not before, as a higher temperature could deactivate the fermenting bacteria), add 125 g of standard natural yogurt, which can be homemade or store-bought. It doesn’t need to be Greek. This yogurt will act as a ferment. Mix well.
  • Cover the mixture with a cheesecloth or cotton cloth, and you can place a lid

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