Day: January 13, 2024

Homemade fresh cheese in 15 minutes


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The Ancient Wisdom for Efficient Garden Irrigation

In a world struggling with water scarcity and the need for sustainable agricultural practices, sometimes the most innovative solutions can be found in ancient wisdom. One such ingenious indigenous irrigation system is the olla (pronounced “oy-ya”). Ollas have been used for centuries by various cultures around the world and are still highly regarded today for their elegant simplicity and water-saving abilities. In this article, we will explore the world of ollas and discover how you can effectively use them to irrigate your garden.

What Exactly is an Olla?

An olla is a porous clay pot, traditionally made by hand and left unglazed, specifically designed for efficient irrigation. The word “olla” comes from the Spanish word for pot, and these vessels have been used for centuries by indigenous communities as a brilliant method to conserve water and nourish plants.

How Do Ollas Work?

Ollas operate based on the principle of seepage irrigation, a highly efficient and water-saving technique. The process can be broken down into a few simple steps:

  1. Burying the Olla: Dig a hole in the ground where you want to irrigate your plants, ensuring it’s deep enough to accommodate the olla. Leave the top of the olla exposed above the soil level for easy access.
  2. Filling the Olla: Fill the olla with water and cover it with a lid or a flat rock to prevent evaporation and debris from entering. The porous clay allows water to gradually seep into the surrounding soil.
  3. Planting Near the Olla: Plant your crops or flowers around the buried olla, making sure their root zones are within the effective range of the olla. Ollas work best in small garden beds or container gardens.
  4. Water Seepage: As the soil around the olla dries out, the moisture stored within the olla seeps slowly into the surrounding root zone. This slow release of water ensures that plants receive a consistent and sufficient water supply while minimizing waste through evaporation.

Advantages of Using Ollas

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Sauce recipe that will make your mouth water

Whether you like spicy, creamy, or sweet and sour sauces, you’ll find options here to suit all tastes. So get ready to experience new flavors and surprise your guests with these irresistible Sauce Recipes. Do not miss it!


  • 5 roma tomatoes
  • 3 jalapeno peppers
  • ½ small onion
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • grain salt to taste
  • ¼ cup of water


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One Dragonfly Can Eat 100s of Mosquitoes per Day

Nature has its own way of handling “situations.” Unfortunately, people like playing gods, and they try to take control over natural processes. Let’s discuss mosquitoes.

The pesky insects invade areas in early spring. All they need is warm weather and water. Everyone hates mosquitoes, and everyone ignores the fact that chemical-packed repellents aren’t the only solution. Have you ever thought of the possibility to use plants that attract dragonflies to get rid of mosquitoes? That’s how nature works.

Dragonflies do wonders when it comes to controlling mosquitoes and other insects.

Dragonflies and mosquito control

Dragonflies are really important when it comes to controlling mosquito populations. They eat both mosquitoes and their larvae. So, it’s time to get those dragonflies near your home!

10 plants that attract dragonflies:

Continued on next page

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Addictive chicken stroganoff

Indulge in the irresistible flavors of our addictive chicken stroganoff


1kg sliced chicken breast fillet
1 onion(s), sliced
150g fresh mushrooms, sliced
2 peppers, sliced
4 tbsp tomato paste
4 dl milk
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp olive oil
Garlic powder
salt and pepper
100 ml processed cheese
Paprika powder


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Unveiling the Unlikely Partnership with Toothpaste and toilet paper

Toothpaste is one of the products that we buy in large quantities every time we go to the supermarket or shops that sell body care products.

Running out of toothpaste would really be a trauma for everyone. We use it several times a day, every time we eat, when we wake up in the morning and before going to sleep. In fact it is indispensable because it is the only product that allows us to keep our teeth white and clean at all times.

Neglecting dental hygiene means giving in to yellowed, dull, tartar-filled teeth, which, even when washed several times a day, are unlikely to return to being as perfect as before. If you always take care of your smile, you can get the same dazzling smile as the stars without any difficulty. All without spending a single cent, being the result exclusively of a good and correct habit.

The thousand uses of toothpaste

Few people know that toothpaste is suitable for many uses at home and is therefore not useful exclusively for dental hygiene. For example, it can be used for sunburns, this is precisely the remedy adopted by mothers and grandmothers when they had nothing else.

Then, it can also be used to remove ink stains from clothes, even those from red wine which are difficult to remove using any detergent. Next, it is used in a practical and certainly alternative way, to close nail holes in the wall when you have no other product available, or to eliminate scratches from CDs or DVDs which are easily damaged.

And then again, to clean the walls from the marks of your children’s pen or pencil and the iron, which after several uses ends up being full of limestone which stains clean clothes.

The following uses, however, are not very well kno

Toothpaste to keep the house clean

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Cultivating Cumin at Home

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) stands out as a prominent spice in global cuisines, celebrated for its distinctive flavor and aromatic essence. Its unique taste adds depth to various dishes, making it a staple in kitchens worldwide.

Benefits of Home-Growing Cumin:

Growing cumin at home comes with several advantages, enhancing the culinary experience:

  1. Freshness: Home-grown cumin ensures a fresh supply, intensifying its flavor profile in culinary creations.
  2. Organic Cultivation: Cultivating cumin at home allows for organic practices, providing a healthier and more sustainable spice option.
  3. Joy of Gardening: The process of nurturing cumin plants from seeds to harvest contributes to the joy of gardening, offering a rewarding experience.

Understanding Cumin:

Here’s a closer look at the cumin plant:

  1. Botanical Profile: Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) originated in the Eastern Mediterranean but is now cultivated globally. It typically grows as a small, herbaceous plant with feathery leaves.
  2. Climate and Soil Requirements: Cumin thrives in warm climates with well-draining soil. It prefers temperatures between 68-77°F (20-25°C) and can adapt to various soil types.

Starting with Seeds:

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Leaky and Dripping Faucet

Here’s how to fix a leaky faucet in minutes. You will not need to call the plumber and spend a lot of money.

We reveal to you what is the simplest and most correct way to   repair a dripping faucet   . You will never believe it is that simple.

Leaking faucet, what are the possible causes?

At least once in your life you will have noticed that your   faucet drips   . The causes are numerous and must be investigated to understand the best course of action

First of all, one of the possible  causes   is that the tap is not closed correctly. Therefore, you will need to check that all the knobs have been turned correctly.

Your faucet may also be dripping in other places that are not necessarily where    water normally comes out. In fact, liquids can also drip into the lower area of ​​the bathroom and kitchen sink or sink.

Have you ever heard that annoying  drip   that you don’t know where it comes from? Maybe you do it directly from the bottom area of ​​the sink. Here we reveal how to fix the problem.

How to fix it without calling the plumber

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Excellent method to tenderize meat in a simple way

There’s nothing more disappointing than visiting the butcher shop, carefully selecting the perfect cut of meat, and returning home only to find it tough and chewy. This experience is not only a waste of time and money but can also be frustrating, especially when anticipating a delicious meal. Having to repeat the entire process to obtain a better cut of meat adds to the disappointment. Furthermore, tough meat can pose challenges during cooking and may not yield the desired outcome. In short, it’s an experience nobody wants, but unfortunately, it’s all too common.

An excellent method for tenderizing meat in a straightforward manner has been discovered.

In addition to this, there are other effective tips for tenderizing meat:

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