Day: January 9, 2024

Anti-yellow shampoo for gray hair

Wearing platinum hair is a trend that has taken hold for a few years now, and has the advantage of being able to give our hair some relief from the effects of dyes. However, it is not easy to achieve this effect without resorting to tricks.

One of the secrets to having perfect platinum hair is to use the right anti-yellow shampoo , capable of evening out gray hair and giving it a more modern look. In this article we explain how to prepare it.

The appearance of gray hair is one of the first signs of aging and is caused by a reduction in melanin production. Stress, nutritional deficiencies and bad habits such as smoking can accelerate or worsen the appearance of gray hair.

The problem is that gray hair doesn’t always stay gray, but can turn yellow and take on an unkempt appearance . This happens due to the oxidation of a pigment that gives dark color to black or brown hair, causing an alteration in the composition of the fatty acids that bind the hair fibers together.

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Get rusty pruning shears to look like new

As the gardening season beckons, the sight of your trusted pruning shears rusting away can be disheartening. Yet, there’s no need to replace these vital tools; with a bit of time, care, and the right approach, you can transform them from dilapidated to dazzling.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step journey of restoring your rusty pruning shears to their former glory. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, learning the art of rejuvenating these essential tools not only saves you money but also equips you with the knowledge to ensure your gardening tasks are performed with precision and efficiency.
Restoring your pruning shears to their former glory is a straightforward process that involves the use of common household items. Here’s how to do it step by step:

Materials Needed:

Large glass jar or casserole dish
White vinegar
Table salt
Baking soda
Multipurpose oil
Carbide sharpening tool or diamond file
Steel wool
Clean rag

Step-by-Step Restoration:

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Why Tomato Tips Turn Black

Have you ever noticed that sometimes tomatoes develop black areas at their tips and wondered why? Let’s delve into the real reason behind this phenomenon, which isn’t related to water deficiency.

Cultivating Healthy Tomatoes

Tomatoes, with their robust yet sweet flavor, are a favorite worldwide. Italy, for instance, is a major producer and exporter of these delectable fruits, especially consumed during summer. Growing a tomato plant, whether in a pot or a garden, can be a rewarding experience. With proper care, you can enjoy fresh, delicious tomatoes all summer.

Essential Care Tips for Tomato Plants

To ensure your tomato plant thrives and yields plenty of fruit, consider the following guidelines:

  • Water the plant every other day.
  • Plant it in moist, well-draining soil to ensure stable root development.
  • Position it in a brightly lit area.
  • Regularly prune the plant, removing buds that form under the leaves and stem.
  • Use natural fertilizers to enrich the soil if the plant struggles to grow.

A telltale sign of a struggling tomato plant is not just sparse fruiting, but also when the fruits start showing black tips. Surprisingly, this issue is not due to inadequate watering.

The Real Cause of Black Tips on Tomatoes

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My Go-To Refreshing Mocktail for January

After all of the holiday parties and New Year’s toasts, January is a time for slowing down. I have several friends that, after the indulgence of the end of the year, cut out all alcohol and celebrate Dry January. They use it as a time to reset and ease back into normal life.

While I don’t participate in Dry January, I do tend to slow it down at the start of the new year. Plus, I like to accommodate any guests that don’t drink whether they’re taking a break, non-drinkers all year long, or underage.

While I keep a few different sparkling waters stocked, it’s nice to be able to offer something that’s cocktail-level, especially if you’ve got a mix of drinkers and non-drinkers. Don’t shortchange your no-alcohol friends—they deserve a drink just as festive as the next person!

How To Make My Trader Joe’s Cranberry Ginger Sparkler

To make one drink, you’ll need:

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How to Make Chicken Stock

PREP TIME30 mins


TOTAL TIME6 hrs 30 mins

SERVINGS8 to 16 servings

YIELD2 to 4 quarts


  • Leftover bones and skin from 1 large cooked or raw chicken carcass, or from 2 rotisserie chickens
  • Celery tops and 1 large celery rib, cut into 2-inch segments
  • large unpeeled onion, quartered
  • 1 carrot, cut into 2-inch segments
  • 1 bunch parsley (stems and leaves)
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste


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Mastering the Art of Oil Stain Removal

We’ve all been there – a momentary lapse, a clumsy spill, and suddenly you find yourself with an unsightly oil stain on your favorite clothes. Fear not! Removing oil stains may seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and a bit of patience, you can salvage your garments and restore them to their former glory. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods on how to effectively remove oil from clothes.

Cornstarch or Baby Powder:

For fresh oil stains, sprinkle cornstarch or baby powder on the affected area. These powders work by absorbing the oil. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then brush or shake off the excess powder.

Dish Soap:

Apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stain. Gently rub the fabric together to work in the soap. Allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes.

Hot Water:

Rinse the stained area with hot water. Hot water helps to break down and lift the oil from the fabric. Check the garment’s care label to ensure it can withstand hot water.

Vinegar and Baking Soda:

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The Nutrient-Rich World of Bone Meal

Bone meal, a highly regarded fertilizing agent, has played a vital role in global agricultural practices for many years. Recognized for its abundant phosphorus and calcium content, bone meal serves as a catalyst for flowering enhancement and root growth acceleration. This makes it a preferred choice for both farmers and gardening enthusiasts, with its slow-release nature and easy application adding to its widespread popularity.

Understanding Bone Meal Origins:

At its core, bone meal is derived from animal bones, traditionally sourced from cattle, although any type of bones can be used. The bones undergo a meticulous process involving cooking, boiling, or steaming, followed by thorough pulverization. While the exact nutritional composition of bone meal may vary, it consistently provides rich amounts of nitrogen, calcium, and, notably, phosphorus. The latter plays a crucial role in a plant’s energy systems, structural integrity, and photosynthesis process. In soils deficient in phosphorus, plants can significantly benefit from a bone meal supplement.

DIY Bone Meal Production:

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Making butter at home

Making butter at home is a straightforward process that requires only one ingredient: heavy cream. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to make butter:


  • Heavy cream (at room temperature)


  • Stand mixer or hand mixer
  • Mixing bowl
  • Cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel
  • Airtight container for storage


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A Simple Mix for Health and Happiness

Taking charge of your health doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, a small but powerful mixture of wholesome ingredients can kickstart your day with a boost of energy and nutrition. Let’s delve into the simple yet potent concoction that can contribute to your well-being – a delightful blend of walnuts, almonds, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, lemon, baking soda, and honey.


  • Walnuts: 100 g.
  • Almonds: 100 g. (Soak in water for 3 hours)
  • Raisins: 100 g.
  • Prunes: 100 g.
  • Dried Apricots: 100 g.
  • Lemon: 1 whole.
  • Baking Soda: 1 tablespoon.
  • Honey: 100 ml.


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A Simple Solution to Everyday Problems

Salt is one of the ingredients that you absolutely cannot do without in the kitchen. It is used to flavor foods or to enhance their flavours, but not only that, having salt at home is like always having an ace up your sleeve, because it comes in handy on many occasions and situations. 

It is part of grandmother’s ancient remedies, which not everyone knows, in particular it is indicated for eliminating humidity from rooms, or from wardrobes, drawers, from clothes that stink easily.

In winter in any home and in any region of Italy, the problem of humidity is present . Houses are already damp in themselves, but if you are in the habit of drying clothes inside the house, getting rid of the humidity becomes practically impossible.

What is every woman’s dream and how to make it come true

Anyone’s dream is to have a warm and welcoming home and smell a good smell as soon as you open the front door. Unfortunately in most cases, despite daily cleaning, what you can smell is the smell of humidity or mold which also creeps into the house even inside the drawers or wardrobes, even in the pantry.

The smell of mold or damp creates discomfort because it is often absorbed by clothes or clothes. But it doesn’t end there, because it is so dangerous that it can cause health problems for both the elderly and the little ones. The first thing to do is to try to eliminate the humidity, especially for a question that has to do with health, making trial after trial.

Humidity, risks and disadvantages that have to do with health

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