11 Weird Gardening Tips to Try This Year


11 Weird Gardening Tips to Try This Year

  • Turn a wine bottle into a slow-release watering system by filling it with water, adding holes to the cap, and placing it upside down in the soil.

6. Growing Food from Kitchen Waste:

  • Regrow food from kitchen scraps, transforming waste into valuable garden produce.

7. Plastic Forks to Deter Animals:

  • Keep animals away by planting plastic forks with tips pointing out, creating a barrier without harm.

8. Fight Mold with Cinnamon:

  • Sprinkle cinnamon on the soil as a natural antimicrobial agent to combat mold in both indoor and outdoor gardens.

9. Diapers for Moisture Retention:

  • Place diapers at the container’s bottom to retain moisture, especially beneficial during hot weather.

10. Eggshells as Calcium Source:


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