Daily routine that may negatively impact our health


Daily routine that may negatively impact our health

There are certain things you do every day. You brush your teeth, go to work, cook meals, and sleep. These are common, everyday activities. Who would think that even the ordinary activities could damage your health?
Being educated about the mundane things of life is extremely important. Below are 10 everyday habits that may damage your health. Check them out, and see if they are damaging yours.

1. Sitting:

Many people have jobs that require they sit, but do you sit even more when you get home? The Mayo Clinic says that people who sit in front of a screen for recreation more than four hours a day have more than a 50 percent increased risk of death. If you have to sit for work, try standing at every opportunity you get or try taking a walk at lunch to break up the pace.

2. Cleaning the kitchen:

“Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness” is an old saying; yet if the way you’re cleaning the kitchen is to take a wet sponge or towel and simply wipe the surfaces, you’re doing more harm than good. You are creating an environment in which bacteria loves to live. Instead, microwave your wet rag or sponge for 60 seconds before wiping the surfaces, killing any bacteria that may have been in it.

3. Drinking water:


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