The Best Onion Cheddar Chips Recipe


The Best Onion Cheddar Chips Recipe


Fresh onions

Shredded cheddar cheese

Creole seasoning (or any other of your liking)


Ready your muffin top pan by giving it a light greasing. Warm up the oven to 375°F.

Distribute the shredded cheddar uniformly across each pan cavity.

After peeling the onions, cut them into ring shapes. Position a raw onion ring atop the cheddar layer, followed by a sprinkle of Creole (or your chosen) seasoning.

Bake for about 10-15 minutes until they turn a lovely golden hue. Keep an eye to avoid over-browning.

Once baked, place them on paper towels for draining. Let them sit for about 10 minutes to enhance the crispiness. Dive in!


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