This natural fertilizer will fill your favorite plants with beautiful flowers


This natural fertilizer will fill your favorite plants with beautiful flowers

We talked earlier about a common problem that occurs with almost all plants: the absence of flowering . Although with a few small precautions, this problem can sometimes be easily solved, in some cases our favorite plants need a hand.

So fertilizer presents itself as the best solution. Don’t buy chemical or artificial ones that end up undermining the health of your beautiful green gem.

You can make your own fertilizer using a magical ingredient . Ready to find out how to make this elixir that will give new life to your plants? Then let’s proceed immediately.

For our recipe you just need to get the so-called “warm humus” . Also known as worm humus , it is obtained from the organic material that is expelled by worms: in other words it is an organic compost that derives from the decomposition of worm excrement.

How should you proceed? We’ll tell you right away. Get yourself a rather large plastic container, into which you will pour 2 liters of water . Add four tablespoons of warm humus to the liquid and start mixing.

Earthworm humus is rich in nutrients such as potassium, borium, magnesium and phosphorus which will help your plant grow healthy and lush and above all produce wonderful flowers.

Once you have mixed the mixture well, all you have to do is pour it into the soil of your plants. You will have thus created an organic fertilizer that will truly be a panacea for your green jewels.

The advice of experts is to water your favorite plants with this fertilizer once every 15 days . If you plan to water your plants with this natural fertilizer just once, we already tell you that it doesn’t work.

The secret to ensuring rapid flowering, with the use of fertilizer, is consistency. Try using this technique for at least three months straight every 15 days , we guarantee that the result will be extraordinary. Your plants will not stop hunting colorful and beautiful flowers. Were you aware of this technique? With earthworm humus you will save your green jewels.


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