Eliminate Unpleasant Odors in the Toilet


Eliminate Unpleasant Odors in the Toilet

If you have tried every product on the market to eliminate the smell of urine in the toilet but to no avail, keep reading. Today we are going to reveal to you the tip for having a clean, shiny but above all fragrant bathroom.

With this system, you will be able to say goodbye to unpleasant stenches and odors coming from the toilets. Ready to discover the secret that many have already discovered? So let’s proceed immediately.

We tell you right away, you will have to make a very simple recipe composed of only two ingredients, namely a bar of soap and Syzygium spiceum, a plant native to Indonesia that you will surely know under the name of clove.

Do you remember the disposable masks that we used until recently to protect ourselves from Covid-19? Well, these will come in handy too (you’ll only need one).

The first thing to do is to place the cloves inside the bar of soap, covering it completely. Then take the disposable mask and open it in two, separating the transparent gauze from the colored one.

Inside this bag, insert your bar of soap, then close the mask using, for example, the elastic provided which you can easily detach from the protective device.

Tip to Eliminate Urine Odors in Toilet


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