7 natural ways to eliminate ticks from your home


7 natural ways to eliminate ticks from your home

Use Cedar Woodchips:

Ticks dislike rough or hard surfaces. By spreading cedar woodchips or gravel around your property, you can discourage ticks from making your yard their habitat.

Be Aware of Tick Habitats:

Ticks flourish in long grass and wooded areas but also seek damp, shaded spots. If you have woodpiles, relocate them to sunlit areas, and avoid leaving piles of leaves or sticks lying around.

Plant Tick-Repellent Greenery:

Introduce bug-repellent plants to your garden to deter ticks. Catmint is a known tick-repellent, while lavender, garlic, mint, sage, and eucalyptus also prove effective. Be cautious with pets, as some plants may be harmful to them.

Attract Tick-Eating Wildlife:

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